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Build your website

Last updated: April 3, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

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Build a consistent online experience for your business with HubSpot's website tools. Using an intuitive drag and drop editor with pre-built themes, you can create and edit content across your website. If you have an existing website, you can install the HubSpot tracking code to track visitor behavior and capture form submissions. You can also host only certain parts of your site on HubSpot, such as landing pages to convert leads or a blog to grow your subscribers.

If you're a developer, you may prefer to build your website locally using the HubSpot CMS CLI. Learn more about developing on the HubSpot CMS.

For in-depth video training, check out the CMS for Marketers Certification ( Content Hub Professional or  Enterprise only) or CMS for Developers Certification in the HubSpot Academy.

Select a theme and set up templates

A theme is a packaged set of templates and other assets to streamline content creation. Start by selecting a theme, then update its settings to control the appearance of your website and its pages. 

You can also build individual templates, such as page and blog templates, that are separate from your theme. Beyond HubSpot's default themes, developers can create and modify themes locally with the CLI, or you can browse HubSpot's Template Marketplace to purchase additional themes and templates.

Build pages and create content

Once you've selected and customized a theme or template, you can use it to build website pages. In the content editor, you can customize your content with images, videos, custom fonts, or other files you’ve uploaded to HubSpot.

Set up a blog

You can use HubSpot's blog tools to write engaging content to grow your subscriber base. To manage your blog content, you can use features such as blog tags, blog authors, and comment moderation. You can also set up blog subscription emails to notify readers when you publish a new blog post.

Use advanced editing features

Once you’re comfortable working with HubSpot’s content editor, you can take your website to the next level with more advanced website features. Try out different versions of the same page to see which one receives the most views and form submissions, or customize which teams in your organization can edit which pages.

Take your website live

When your content is ready to go, you can finish taking your website live by connecting a custom domain. Connect your website domain to HubSpot, update your DNS records in your DNS provider, then connect subdomains for the different content types. With a Content Hub subscription, you can also connect your root domain to HubSpot.

Optimize website performance

With your pages published, you can now measure web traffic with HubSpot’s traffic analytics tools or by adding Google Analytics to your pages. To direct more visitors to your site, you can consult HubSpot’s SEO recommendations or create a topic cluster to track inbound links. 

Join the HubSpot community

To engage with other users and get more out of your HubSpot tools, join the HubSpot Community. You can see examples from peers, get tips and advice from experts, learn how to troubleshoot common issues, and submit feedback to the Product team.

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