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HubSpot's default activity properties

Last updated: January 22, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

In your HubSpot CRM, activities keep track of the interactions associated with contacts, companies, deals, tickets, and custom object records. When creating or editing calls, emails, meetings, notes, and tasks manually or via import, you can set or update the following properties.

Please note: activity properties are stored separately from CRM object properties, and cannot be edited from the property settings.

Call properties

You can also create custom call properties

  • Activity assigned to: the owner of the call. The value for this property must be either the user's name in HubSpot, or the user's email address
  • Activity date: the date and time the call occurred. When importing, this should be formatted as a date-time property. If you import new calls and don't include this property, the Activity date values are automatically set to the date and time the calls were created.
  • Call and meeting type: the type of call. The options are set in your call and meeting type settings.
  • Call direction: the direction of the call, either Inbound or Outbound.
  • Call duration: the length of the call, in milliseconds.
  • Call notes: a text field that describes or provides context about the call.
  • Call outcome: the outcome of the call. The options are set in your call and meeting outcome settings.
  • Call source: the source of the call. Options include VoIPZoom, or Integrations platform.
  • Call statusthe status or outcome of the call. Options include Busy, Canceled, Completed, ConnectingFailedIn progressMissedNo answerQueued, or Ringing.
  • Call title: the name of the call.
  • From number: the phone number of the person that initiated the call.
  • Recording URL: a URL to access the call's recording.
  • To number: the phone number of the person that received the call.
  • Transcript available: indicates if the call has a transcript, either TRUE or FALSE.

Email properties

  • Activity assigned to: the owner of the email. The value for this property must be either the user's name in HubSpot, or the user's email address. 
  • Activity date: the date and time the email occurred. When importing, this should be formatted as a date-time property. If you import new emails and don't include this property, the Activity date values are automatically set to the date and time the emails were created.
  • Email body: the text body of the email.
  • Email direction: the direction of the email, either Incoming or Outgoing
  • Email subject: the subject line of the email.
  • Email send status: the status of the email. Options include Bounced, Failed, Scheduled, Sending, or Sent.

Meeting properties

  • Activity assigned to: the owner of the meeting. The value for this property must be either the user's name in HubSpot, or the user's email address. 
  • Activity date: the date and time the meeting occurred. When importing, this should be formatted as a date-time property. If you import new meetings and don't include this property, the Activity date values are automatically set to the date and time the meetings were created.
  • Call and meeting type: the type of meeting. The options are set in your call and meeting type settings.
  • Internal meeting notes: a text field to add notes about the meeting.
  • Location type: the type of location where the meeting was hosted. Options include Phone CallAddress, or Video Conference.
  • Meeting description: a text field to describe the meeting.
  • Meeting end time: the date and time the meeting ended. When importing, this should be formatted as a date-time property.
  • Meeting location: the name of the meeting's location.
  • Meeting name: a name for the meeting.

Note properties

  • Activity assigned to: the owner of the note. The value for this property must be either the user's name in HubSpot, or the user's email address. 
  • Activity date: the date and time the note was logged. When importing, this should be formatted as a date-time property. If you import new notes and don't include this property, the Activity date values are automatically set to the date and time the notes were created.
  • Note body: the text body of the note.

Task properties

  • Assigned to: the owner assigned to complete the task. The value for this property must be either the user's name in HubSpot, or the user's email address
  • Due date: the date and time the task is due. When importing, this should be formatted as a date-time property.
  • Notes: a text field to add notes about the task.
  • Priority: the priority assigned to the task. Options include LowMedium, or High.
  • Queue: the task queue applied to the task.
  • Task title: the name of the task.
  • Task type: the type of task. Options include CallEmail, or To-Do. If you don't set a type during import, the task will be set to To-Do by default. 
  • Task Status: the status of the task. Options include Not started or Complete.
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