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Translate your custom CRM content (BETA)

Last updated: July 16, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Enterprise
Sales Hub   Enterprise
Service Hub   Enterprise
Operations Hub   Enterprise
Content Hub   Enterprise

If your account's users work in multiple languages, you can create translations for your custom CRM data. In the current stage of the beta, you can create translations for custom properties.

Please note: while in private beta, functionality is subject to change. This article will be updated as additional functionality is released.

Add translations for CRM data

Users must have Super admin or Custom data translations access to create translations. To import translated data:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, under Data Management, navigate to Translations.
  • If you're creating your first translation, click Add custom data translation. If you're adding an additional translation, click Add translation in the top right.
  • In the dialog box, select the language you want to translate CRM data into, then click Add.
  • In the table, hover over the language, then click Export. In the dialog box, click Export to download the translation file.

  • The exported file contains the type of data that can be translated, the status of the translation, the default text to be translated, and a reference key. In the file, add translations in the column of the corresponding translation language (e.g., French translation, Spanish translation, etc.).

  • Once the file is ready, return to the Translations settings, hover over the language, then click Import.
  • In the dialog box, choose a translation file to import, then click Import.
  • Once the import is processed, to turn on the translation, hover over the language, then click Turn on.

Once turned on, translated data will be visible to users who use HubSpot in that language. For users editing property labels or options within HubSpot, translated values will not be visible.

Manage CRM data translations

One you've created translations, you can edit translated content, translate additional content as it becomes available, or turn off a language's translations.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, under Data Management, navigate to Translations.
  • To add, edit, or remove translations:
    • Export the translation file. The file will contain values you previously imported, and empty cells for missing translations.
    • Update the file depending on your goal:
      • To add new translations, add values in the empty cells of the language's column.
      • To edit existing translations, update the values in the language's column.
      • To remove existing translations, clear the values in the language's column.
    • Navigate back to the Translations settings, then import the file.
  • To turn off a translation, hover over the language, then click Turn off. In the dialog box, click Turn off to confirm.

  • To turn a translation back on, hover over the language, then click Turn on.

Turn on translation import and export notifications 

You can receive email or browser notifications for completed translation imports and exports.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Notifications.
  • Click the Email or Desktop tabs to set the type of notifications you would like to receive.
  • Toggle the switch on to receive email or desktop notifications.
  • To receive a notification when a translation import is completed, expand the Crm section, then select the Translations checkbox.

  • To receive a notification when a translation export is completed, expand the System notifications section, then select the Export completed checkbox.

  • Click Save to confirm.

Learn more about setting up user notifications.

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