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Customize plain text emails

Last updated: December 20, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

A plain text email is created automatically for all marketing emails. This version is only sent to a recipient if the rich text version isn't supported in their email client. You can customize the plain text version of your email in the Plain text tab in the content editor.

Please note: after the plain text email is customized, it won't update with any new content changes made to the rich text version.

Edit the plain text version of your email

To customize the plain text version of your email:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Email.
  • Hover over the email you want to customize and click Edit
  • Click the Settings tab.
  • Click Plain text and web version.
  • Under Plain text, click Customize.

  • In the dialog box, make any changes to your plain text email, then click Update.

If you want the links in your plain text email to be tracked and formatted correctly, ensure that each link's text and URL conform to one of the following formats:

  • Caret as delimiter: text^
  • Parentheses around URL: text(
  • Colon as delimiter: text:
  • Full-width colon as delimiter: text:
  • Space, newline, tab, or NBSP as delimiter: text

You must also turn click tracking on for plain text emails in your marketing email settings. Learn more about how to manage your email tracking settings.

Please note: turning on click tracking will change how links display in the plain text version of your email. Hyperlinks are not supported in plain text emails, so any links will be text only. Since tracked links contain tracking parameters, the resulting link text may be very long. 

Emails with smart content

If you're using smart content , the smart rules you've set will automatically apply to the plain text version of your email too. The default content will always appear in the Plain Text tab of the editor. If you customize the plain text version of an email that contains smart content, your smart rules will no longer apply in the plain text version.
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