Use HubSpot's integration with Dialpad Meetings
Last updated: February 11, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
The HubSpot and Dialpad Meetings integration allows you to schedule Dialpad Meetings meetings with your contacts from within HubSpot, and keep your meetings in sync with HubSpot.
Install the Dialpad Meetings integration
You must be either a super admin or have App Marketplace Access permissions to connect Dialpad Meetings to HubSpot.- In your HubSpot account, click the Marketplace icon marketplace in the top navigation bar, then select App Marketplace.
- Use the search bar to locate and select the Dialpad Meetings integration.
- In the upper right, click Install app.
- Enter your Dialpad Meetings credentials and click Log In.
- Click Authorize to grant HubSpot access to your Dialpad Meetings account. Once you authorize access, you will be automatically redirected back to the Dialpad Meetings settings page in HubSpot.
You can schedule new Dialpad Meetings meetings with your contacts within HubSpot. You can disable the integration at any time from the Dialpad Meetings settings screen within HubSpot.
Schedule a Dialpad Meetings meeting
When scheduling a meeting from the contact record, you can insert your Dialpad Meetings link.
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Contacts.
- Click the name of the contact.
- In the left panel, click the meetings Meeting icon. In the pop-up box, set up your meeting.
- To add your Dialpad Meetings video link, click the Location dropdown menu, then select Dialpad Meetings. HubSpot will automatically add your conference link, along with a phone number and passcode to the invitation.
- To schedule the meeting, click Save.
Once the meeting has been created, a success message will appear in the card. Your invitee will receive an email invitation directly from Dialpad Meetings, and the meeting will appear on the contact’s timeline.
Any Dialpad Meetings you schedule with one of your HubSpot contacts will be automatically logged in HubSpot. Updates to meetings will be synced between Dialpad Meetings and HubSpot every 10 minutes.
Add a Dialpad Meetings link to your meetings links
You can add a Dialpad Meetings link to your meetings links to automatically create a Dialpad Meetings meeting when prospects book time with you. Learn more about setting up the meeting tool and creating meeting links.
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Library > Meetings Scheduler.
- Hover over the scheduling page you want to add a Dialpad Meetings videoconference to and click Edit, or click Create scheduling page.
- On the Overview tab, click the Add videoconference link dropdown menu and select Dialpad Meetings.

- Click Save to confirm your changes, or Next to continue setting up your scheduling page.
When a prospect books a meeting with you, a link to the videoconference will be automatically added to the calendar invite. If you are using the Google Calendar two-way integration with HubSpot, learn more about adding a videoconference link to a meeting scheduled from a record in the CRM.