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Set up the HubSpot invoices tool

Last updated: July 17, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

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Using HubSpot invoices you can send invoices directly from HubSpot, track receivables, and get paid using Stripe payment processing or HubSpot payments. Using invoices, your buyers can expect a similar checkout process to payment links and quotes. Yet, unlike payment links and quotes, invoices track due dates, balances, and can be marked as paid outside of your payment processor. They also contain invoice numbers, which may be needed by some buyers when requesting payment.

full-invoice invoice-sidebar
Buyer invoice checkout Internal invoice record

Below, learn how to get set up to start collecting payments with HubSpot invoices. Before you begin, make sure the user who needs to update any of the following settings has Super Admin permissions.

Configure general invoice settings

To get started, configure the following invoice settings:

  • Set up invoice permissions: to control which HubSpot users have access to view, create, and edit invoices, learn how to edit user permissions for existing users, or how to set permissions when adding new users.

    Please note: HubSpot users created before February 9, 2023 have invoice view and edit permissions by default. Users created after that date do not have invoice permissions by default.

  • Add a logo to your HubSpot brand kit: invoices will automatically pull in the logo set in your HubSpot brand default settings.
    • Invoices won't use the brand kit's colors.
    • Updating your logo won't update existing finalized invoices, only currently drafted invoices and invoices created after updating.
  • Set default payment options: optionally, you can set which payment methods your invoices will accept by default in your payments settings. You can also customize this on each invoice during creation.
  • Connect your domain to HubSpot: by default, invoices are hosted on the primary domain connected to your account. When creating an invoice, you can also select from any of your connected domains. If you haven't yet connected a domain, or would like to connect a separate subdomain for hosting invoices (e.g.,, learn how to connect a domain to HubSpot.

Set up

Customize your invoice prefix and starting number

To make sure that HubSpot invoice numbers don't overlap with invoice numbers in your account system, HubSpot invoices have the prefix INV and a starting number of 1001 by default. You can customize the prefix and starting number from your invoice settings. Once an invoice has been finalized and assigned a number, such as INV-1002, that number can't be changed or reused. 

Please note: before customizing your invoice prefix and starting number, you should consult with your accounting team to ensure it will work with your current systems.

To customize your invoice prefix and starting number:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Invoices.
  • By default, invoices begin with the prefix INV. To change this, on the Setup tab, click Edit prefix. Then, in the dialog box, enter a new prefix, and click Save prefix. A prefix can be a maximum of 8 characters.
  • By default, the starting invoice number is 1001. To change this, click Updating starting point for invoice numbers. Then, in the dialog box, enter a new starting point number, and click Updating starting point.


Turn on the ability to edit open invoices

Edit invoices that have been finalized and are in the Open status. Before users are able to edit invoices, Super Admins must turn on the ability to edit open invoices. This setting doesn't need to be turned on to allow users to edit invoices in Draft status.

To access the setting:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to ObjectsInvoices.
  • Under Editing invoices, Select the Allow editing of open invoices checkbox.
  • Click Save.


Set a default email address to send invoices from

Set up a default email address that invoices will be emailed from. The default email address can be a team email address or a personal email address. If no default email is set, the invoice will be sent from the personal or team email address that the user chooses when sending the invoice.

To set a default email address:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to ObjectsInvoices.
  • Under Email settings, click the Default from address dropdown menu and select the email address you would like to use as the default.
  • If you want to allow users to manually send invoices from their personal email address, or other team email addresses they have access to select the Allow sending from other email addresses checkbox.
  • Click Save.

invoice-email settings

Invoice template

Add or remove custom fields

You can choose up to four custom invoice properties to display on invoices for customers. Users with Super Admin permissions can amend these settings.

To set which custom properties will be visible:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Invoices.
  • Click the Invoice template tab.
  • Under Template customization, click Set default custom fields.
  • In the right panel, under Edit default custom fields, click add Add custom field.
    • You can select existing custom invoice properties from the list, search for the custom property you'd like to use, or, click Create new invoice property to set up a new custom invoice property.


    • To add an additional field, click add Add custom field and select another invoice property. You can add up to four custom invoice properties.
      • Once added, you can click the dropdown menu to change to a different property.
    • A live preview will display in the Preview section as you add properties.
    • To remove a property, click the delete deletr edelete icon.
  • When you are done, click Save.


  • To allow users to edit the field when creating an invoice, select the Allow users to override default custom fields checkbox, then click Save in the bottom left corner.


New invoices created after this setting is turned on will show these fields by default. If a property doesn't contain a value, it will not show up on the invoice for the customer.

Please note: if a custom property is deleted, the field will be removed from draft and future invoices. Invoices finalized before the deletion will still contain the custom property.

Use a custom title

Invoice documents are titled Invoice by default. To choose a different title:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Invoices.
  • Click the Invoice template tab.
  • Select the Use custom document title checkbox.
  • In the text field, enter the title that'll be displayed on your invoices.
  • Click Save.



Set up a default comment

To add a default message that'll appear in the comments field of every invoice: 

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Invoices.
  • Click the Invoice template tab.
  • Enter the default comment and click Save.


Please note: the default comment will appear for any new invoices created after confirming this setting and will not update existing invoices, even if they are currently in draft.

Add a tax ID

Optionally, you can add up to three tax ID's in the header of each invoice along with your company information. Adding a tax ID to your account won't update existing finalized or drafted invoices, only newly created invoices moving forward.


To add tax ID's:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Invoices.
  • Click the Invoice template tab.
  • Under Add tax ID to invoices, click Add tax ID.
  • Click the Tax ID type dropdown menu, then select a type.
  • In the Tax ID number field, enter your Tax ID.
  • Repeat these steps if you need to add a second or third tax ID.
  • Click Save.


Remove invoice currency and sales tax notice

By default, invoices include a notice that all fees are in the currency of the invoice and may be subject to sales tax. For example, for invoices in USD, the notice in English states All fees are listed in USD and are subject to sales tax (as applicable).


To turn off this notice:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Invoices.
  • Click the Invoice template tab.
  • Clear the Include invoice currency and sales tax notice checkbox.
  • Click Save.


Next steps

After setting up the HubSpot invoices tool, learn how to:

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