Review your list's filter history
Last updated: September 18, 2024
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
Review your list's filter history to understand any key interactions or changes that have occurred to your list filters. You can compare the current and past versions of a list to find out what filter changes were made. You can also restore or copy an earlier version of a list.
To view a list filters' change history:
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Lists.
- Click a list.
- Click the Activity tab.
- Click the Events dropdown menu and select Filters edited.
- On the right, click View version history.
- In the version history, click a version to see a preview of the filters. The current version and the number of contacts in the list will be labeled beneath the date.
- To restore a past version of the filters, click Restore these filters.
- To clone a new list with the same filters, click Clone as new list.
- You can also compare the current filters on a list to an older version. In the Compare to section, click the Select a version dropdown menu and select the list version you want to compare to.
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