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Use the AI assistant in lists to generate filters and descriptions

Last updated: March 12, 2025

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Use the AI assistant in HubSpot lists to find the correct filters to refine your records and to set a description that explains which records are included. For example, you can create lists based on descriptions, such as Contacts who opened an email in the last 30 days.

At this time, you can use AI in contact, company, deal, ticket, custom object, cart, and order lists with the following filters:

  • Current object properties
  • Associated object properties
  • List memberships

For contact-based lists, you can also filter by the following:

  • Form submissions, excluding refinements (i.e. criteria used to further narrow down the filter, such as when the form was submitted)
  • Ad interactions
  • Email subscriptions
  • Marketing emails
  • Page views, excluding refinements (i.e. criteria used to further narrow down the filter, such as the page viewed)

Manage AI settings

To change your AI settings:
  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to AI.
  • In the Access tab, click to toggle the Give users access to generative AI tools and features switch on. To personalize your content, click to toggle the CRM Data switch on. This is recommended to generate outputs relevant to your company. Learn more about managing your AI settings.

Create a list with the AI assistant

To use the AI assistant when creating a list:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Lists.
  • In the upper-right, click Create list
  • Select the object with the records you want to segment in your list. 
  • In the Generate list filters with AI text box, enter a description of the types of records you want to include in the list.
  • Click Next.

  • The right panel will open with a preview of the generated filters.
  • To adjust your prompt, click Edit prompt, update the description, then click Generate filters to generate new filters.
  • If the filters are correct, click Add these filters.
  • Click Review and save.
  • To generate a list description based on the filters, below the Description field, click Generate with AI. To adjust the description, manually enter changes or click Regenerate.

  • Confirm the other list details, then click Save and process list.

Edit a list's filters with the AI assistant

To edit an existing active list's filters with the AI assistant:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Lists.
  • Click the name of the active list to edit.
  • In the left panel, click Edit filters.

  • In the top right, click Use AI to create filters.
  • In the right panel, add a description of the records you want to include in the list, then click Generate filters.
  • Review the generated filters.
  • To adjust your prompt, click Edit prompt, update the description, then click Generate filters to generate new filters.

  • If the filters are correct, click Add these filters.
  • Click Save list.
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