Review and manage your published marketing emails
Last updated: February 11, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
After you've published and sent a marketing email, you can review its deliverability details and metrics to analyze engagement. If you've installed the slack integration, you can also share the email with the rest of your team through Slack.
If you have a Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise account, you can also directly compare an email's engagement with another email you've sent.
You can also review and manage your marketing emails using the HubSpot mobile app.
Please note: because of changes related to Apple's recently announced iOS 15 privacy features, your marketing email opens may appear higher than usual. Learn more about how to navigate these changes in HubSpot.
To view the details of an email you've published:
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Email.
- Click the name of the email that you want to review.
The Performance tab summarizes how your recipients engaged with your email. If you have HubSpot's integration with Shopify enabled, you can also analyze influenced revenue from abandoned cart emails associated with the integration.
All accounts include the following email performance data:
- Open rate: the percentage of people who opened your email out of the people who were delivered your email.
- Click rate: the percentage of people who clicked a link in your email out of the people who were delivered your email.
- Deliverability results: a dashboard listing the number of successful deliveries, bounces, unsubscribes, and spam reports. Clicking any of these metrics leads to a detailed breakdown of recipient data in the Recipients tab.
- HTML click map: shows a visual breakdown of all your clicked links in the email. Hover over a specific link to view more detailed click statistics.
- Top clicked links: report shows your top clicked links in the email. Use the tabs in the upper right to view HTML, plain text, or combined links.
- Top engaged contacts: report shows the contacts that opened or clicked the email. Use the tabs in the upper right to view top engaged contacts by clicks or opens.
Marketing Hub Starter, Basic (Legacy), Professional, and Enterprise accounts include additional email performance data:
- Time spent viewing email: this report shows whether your recipients read, skimmed, or glanced at your email based on how long it was viewed on their email client.
- Engagement over time: this graph shows your email opens and clicks over time. This data can help you learn what times of day are best to reach out to your contacts.
Hover over parts of the graph to reveal open and click data for a specific date and time. To analyze data from a specific timeframe, click the All dropdown menu in the upper right. - Opens/Clicks by email client: this graph shows detailed information about opens and clicks by
email client and device type. This information is useful when selecting email clients to test before you send your next campaign. Use the tabs in the upper right to view engagement by opens or clicks.
The Recipients tab provides a granular view of your email's deliverability and engagement with each contact. Click the Recipients tab, or click any blue metrics on the Performance tab to navigate to see all recipients included in that metric.
Use the left sidebar menu to filter recipients based on their engagement with the email. Then click the expand icon > next to a specific contact to see detailed information about the engagement:
- Sent: contacts on your selected recipient lists minus blocked recipients (exclusion lists). If your email message contained multiple recipient lists, HubSpot compiles a final list of contacts and removes duplicates so no contact will receive more than one of the same email message.
- Delivered: contacts whose email server sent HubSpot a response stating that the email was delivered.
- Opened: contacts who opened the email.
- Clicked: contacts who clicked any link in your email, excluding the unsubscribe or subscription preferences links.
- Bounced: contacts who bounced and didn't receive the email. For each bounced contact you'll see the following details:
- The bounce type.
- A short explanation about the email bounce type.
- The exact response HubSpot received from the recipient's email server. This information can provide context about the bounce reason. If you know the bounced contact's email address is valid, ask them to whitelist your sending IP addresses, then unbounce the contact.
- Unsubscribed: contacts who received the email and opted out of this or all email subscription types. These contacts will be dropped from future emails.
- Spam reports: contacts who reported this email as spam to their email provider, or manually dragged the email from their inbox into their junk folder. These contacts will be dropped from future emails.
- Not sent: contacts who were dropped automatically to protect your email sender reputation. This includes contacts who previously hard bounced, opted out of this subscription type, or marked a previous marketing email as spam. This also includes contacts that haven't confirmed their subscription and contacts omitted due to low engagement. Click the Filter by dropdown menu to filter by the exact reason why contacts didn't receive the email.
Manage associated campaign
You can change the associated campaign for a sent marketing email, or associate a campaign if one is not already added. When adding or changing the campaign for a published email, traffic to your website from a link clicked in the email will not be associated with the new campaign. Such traffic will remain associated with the original campaign (or no campaign, if one wasn't selected) based on the tracking parameters automatically added to the link URL when the email was sent.
- In the top right of the email Performance page, click Actions > Edit campaign or Actions > Select campaign.
- In the dialog box, click the campaign dropdown menu and select an existing campaign.
- Click Save.
Compare email performance (Marketing Hub Professional and Enterprise only)
To review the deliverability and engagement data between various published emails, you can compare up to ten emails side-by-side:
- In the top right of the email Performance page, click Actions > Compare email.
- To the right of the originally selected email, click the Select email to compare dropdown menu. Then type the name of the email you want to compare it to.
Share email through the Slack integration
If you've installed the Slack integration, you can share the email with the rest of your team:
- In the top right of the email Performance page, click Actions > Share to Slack.
- In the right panel, select the channel to send the link. You can optionally enter a message to accompany the email.
- Click Share to Slack.
- A preview of the email with display in Slack. If the user has the correct user permissions to access the email, they can click on the link in Slack to go directly to the email's Performance page.