Set up default payment link settings
Last updated: December 26, 2024
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
When creating a payment link, you can configure settings such as whether to automatically create deals, checkout page text, discount code settings, and more. In your account settings, you can also configure all of these options as default settings so that you don't have to set them manually every time you create a new payment link. You can then manually override any default settings within each payment link if needed.
To collect payments through payment links, you'll need to set up one of the following payment processors:
- HubSpot payments: set up HubSpot payments, HubSpot's built-in payment processor, available to companies based in the United States with Starter, Professional, and Enterprise accounts.
- Stripe payment processing: connect your existing Stripe account to use Stripe for payment processing, available internationally with some exceptions. Stripe payment processing is available for all subscriptions.
To set up your default payment link settings:
- In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
- In the left sidebar, navigate to Objects > Payment Links.
On the Setup tab, you can configure the follow default payment link settings:
- Deals: by default, purchases made with the link won't create a new deal in HubSpot. To create a new deal for each purchase, click to toggle the Allow payment links to create new deals switch on. Then, select a Deal pipeline and Deal stage for the new deal using the dropdown menus.
Please note:
If a buyer makes several purchases using the same payment link:
- If this toggle is turned off, HubSpot will associate each payment with the existing deal.
- If this toggle is turned on, HubSpot will create a new deal for each payment. However, if there’s an existing open deal (not in a Closed won stage) that is associated with the payment link, a new deal will not be created for each payment. Instead, payments will be associated with the open deal.
- When a buyer uses a payment link to purchase a line item with a regular billing frequency, HubSpot creates a subscription to automatically charge the buyer at the specified frequency. This means that a new deal will not be created for each subscription payment, even if this toggle is turned on. Payments will be tracked on the subscription record, which is associated to the original deal.
- Text box: in the text box, include any next steps or added context that'll appear below the total on the checkout page. Use the rich text options to edit the font and font size, and the icons in the rich text editor to format the text, insert a link, image, emoji, or snippet.
- Discount codes: to allow buyers to use discount codes for payment links by default, click to toggle the switch on.
- Contact info: to add form fields to collect more information from buyers when they make a purchase, click + Contact property.
- Click the Add contact property dropdown menu, then search for and select a property.
- Please note: only contact properties in the Contact information property group can be added as fields.
- To edit the form field's label and help text, click the edit pencil icon next to the field, update the label and help text details, then click Save.
- To make the field required, next to the field select the Required checkbox.
- To reorder the form fields, next to the property name, click dragHandle to drag and drop it to a different position.
- Billing & shipping information: click the checkout settings link to set up default allowed payment methods and address preferences.
- Confirmation page: select the default behavior for the payment confirmation page after a buyer makes a purchase. You can redirect the buyer to the default successful payment page or redirect them to a custom-branded page.
- After making your changes, click Save. After saving, all newly created payment links will use the selected default settings. These settings can be overridden on individual links during creation, or updated afterwards by editing the link.