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Test payment links

Last updated: February 11, 2025

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Before sharing your payment link or quote with a contact, you can test the checkout experience to make sure it works as expected. Using a test mode, you can replicate the actions that take place in actual payment scenarios, without actually charging a credit card. Testing your payment links is especially important for higher payment amounts.

You can test payments made via credit card or bank debit, such as ACH. However, you can't test payment links for recurring payments.

To access your payment link for testing:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Commerce > Payment Links.
  • Hover over the link and click Actions, then select Open link in test mode.

  • The link will open in test mode, and a banner will appear at the top of the checkout page that indicates you are in test mode. Enter values from the tables below to complete a test purchase. You can use any address information during your test in addition to the sample credit card or bank debit information.

When you test your payment links, if you have either Stripe payment processing or HubSpot payments set up, a new contact record will be created using the buyer email address entered in test mode as long as a contact record does not already exist for this email address. A deal record will also be created with (Test) included before the deal name.

If you don't have a payment processor set up, you can still test your payment link, but the contact and deal records will not be created.

An email notification will be sent to you and to the buyer email address that you used to test the link, and you will receive a test payout email.

Please note: while a test payment can create a contact and associated deal, it will not create a payment record. This also means that workflows based on payment records will not trigger from payment link tests.

Below is a set of sample credit card numbers that you can use to test payment links, including numbers for testing various failure scenarios. Along with the sample credit card numbers, use following values for other fields:

  • Billing address: any address
  • Expiration date: any valid future date
  • Security code (CVC): any random number
  • Name on the card: any alphabetical string
  • PIN code: any 3 digits (4 digits for American Express card)
Credit card number Brand
4242424242424242 Visa
4000056655665556 Visa (debit)
5555555555554444 Mastercard
2223003122003222 Mastercard (2-series)
5200828282828210 Mastercard (debit)
5105105105105100 Mastercard (pre-paid)
378282246310005 American Express
371449635398431 American Express
6011111111111117 Discover
6011000990139424 Discover
3056930009020004 Diners Club
36227206271667 Diners Club (14-digit card)
3566002020360505 JCB
6200000000000005 UnionPay

To simulate a failed payment, use the values from the table below.

Credit card number Error message
4000000000000036 ZIP code validation fails & payment is declined
4000000000000002 Card is declined
4000000000009995 Payment is declined due to insufficient funds
4000000000000069 Payment is declined due to an expired card
4000000000000127 Payment is declined due to incorrect CVC

Use the information in the table below to test payments via ACH debit.

Routing number Account number Status description


000123456789 Success
000111111116 Failure upon use
000111111113 Account closed
000222222227 NSF/insufficient funds
000333333335 Debit not authorized
000444444440 Invalid currency

If you're using Stripe payment processing, you can use the information in the table below to test payments BACs.

Sort code Account number Status description


00012345 Success
11111116 Failure upon use
11111113 Account closed
22222227 Insufficient funds
33333335 Debit not authorized
44444440 Invalid currency
66666668 Payout fails if method is instant. Bank account is not eligible for Instant Payouts

If you're using Stripe payment processing, you can use the information in the table below to test payments via PADs.

Institution number Transit number Account number Status description



000123456789 Succeeds after micro-deposits are verified
900123456789 Succeeds the payment with a three-minute delay after micro-deposits are verified
000222222227 Fails the payment immediately after micro-deposits are verified
900222222227 Fails the payment with a three-minute delay after micro-deposits are verified
000666666661 Fails to send verification micro-deposits

To mimic successful or failed bank account verifications in test mode, use these meaningful amounts for micro-deposits:

Micro-deposit values Error message
32 or 45 Successfully verifies the account
Any other number combinations  Fails account verification

If you're using Stripe payment processing, you can use the information in the table below to test payments via SEPA debit.

IBAN Status description
GB82WEST12345698765432 Payout succeeds
GB55WEST12345698765433 Payment fails due to no account found
GB89370400440532013002 Payout fails due to a closed account
GB89370400440532013003 Payment fails due to insufficient funds
GB89370400440532013004 Payment fails due to debit not authorized
GB89370400440532013005 Payment fails due to invalid currency
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