Import podcast episodes
Last updated: March 3, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
Migrate your existing podcast to HubSpot using the podcast's RSS feed to import your podcast episodes. Learn more about using podcasts.
After importing your podcast, set up a redirect from your previous podcast hosting provider to your new, HubSpot hosted RSS feed.
Import your podcast episodes
To import your podcast episodes using an RSS feed:- In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
- In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Content > Blog.
- In the Current view section, click the first dropdown menu and select Import blog.
- Click Start new import and select Podcasts.
- In the Podcast RSS feed URL field, enter your podcast's RSS feed URL. Check that your RSS feed meets the following requirements:
- The RSS feed must be unlocked.
- Dynamic ad insertion must be turned off.
- To import all episodes, the episode limit should set to max.
- Your episodes must be in mp3 format.
- To associate your episodes with an existing podcast show, click the Podcast show dropdown URL and select a show. To create a new show using the uploaded episodes, leave the field blank.
- In the bottom right, click Next.
- In the dialog box, review the number of episodes to be imported and the number of episodes with issues.
- Click to expand the Episode to be imported or Episode with issues sections to review the individual episodes.
- If the feed and episode has metadata not supported by HubSpot, it won't be imported. The episode will appear in the Episode with issues section. Learn more about troubleshooting podcast episode import issues.
- After reviewing your episodes, at the bottom, click Import.
- After your import has completed, Click Copy to copy your RSS feed URL.
- Set up the redirect in the podcast platform.
- In the bottom right, click Check redirect.
Set up a podcast redirect
Depending on the number and size of podcast episodes you're importing, it may take some time for the import to complete. It is not necessary to remain on the import page, it is possible to set up your redirect at a later time.
- In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
- In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Content > Blog.
- In the Current view section, click the first dropdown menu and select Import blog.
- Click the More dropdown menu and select Check redirect.
- Click Copy to copy your RSS feed URL.
- Set up the redirect in the podcast platform.
- In the bottom right, click Check redirect.
Troubleshoot podcast episode import issues
When importing your podcast episodes, certain episodes may appear in the Episode with issues section. Review the following errors and the troubleshooting steps for details on how to resolve the issue.
Error | Reason | Steps to resolve |
Podcast serial show type not supported | The podcast format you’re using is not compatible with this platform. | Use a different structure for your episodes. |
Episode limit exceeded | You’ve reached the maximum number of episodes allowed. Each account can have a maximum of 1,000 episodes. |
Delete old episodes to add more. |
Podcast seasons not supported | Season-based podcasts are not supported. |
Use a different structure for your episodes. |
Non-full episode type field not supported | Partial or preview episodes are not supported. |
All uploaded episodes must be full-length. Only upload full-length episode. |
Podcast block episode not supported | Blocking specific episodes is not supported on HubSpot's podcast tool |
The blocked episode will not be uploaded. If you'd like to avoid this error, you can delete the episode altogether. |
Non-MP3 file | The uploaded file is not in MP3 format. |
Upload your audio in MP3 format. |