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Use deal and lead stage calculated properties

Last updated: February 11, 2025

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Sales Hub   Professional , Enterprise
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Content Hub   Professional , Enterprise

To better understand how deals and leads are progressing, stage calculated properties show the amount of time deals and leads spend in each of your stages. You can use stage calculated properties in other HubSpot tools (e.g., views, reports, workflows) to prioritize your work, assess performance, and automate actions on specific deals and leads.

Understand stage calculated properties

The following default properties provide information about how your deals and leads are moving through pipeline stages. The properties automatically update based on a deal or lead's current and historical stage values. Each deal and lead stage in your pipelines has its own set of these properties.

  • Date entered [stage ID]: the date and time the deal or lead entered the stage.
  • Date exited [stage ID]: the date and time the deal or lead exited the stage.
  • Latest time in [stage ID]: the total time spent by the deal or lead in the stage since it last entered the stage. This is calculated based on the Date entered and Date exited properties. When a deal or lead is currently in a stage, it will have no value for this property, unless it had previously been in that stage. In that case, its value will refer to the previous time in the stage and will not update until the deal or lead leaves the stage.
  • Cumulative time in [stage ID]: the cumulative time spent by the deal or lead in the stage. This is helpful if deals or leads re-enter a stage multiple times and you want to track their total time in the stage. When a deal or lead is currently in a stage, it will have no value for this property, unless it had previously been in that stage. In that case, its value will include the previous time in the stage and will not update until the deal or lead leaves the stage.

If you've upgraded to a Professional or Enterprise account, the values for the above properties will be populated retroactively based on existing deal and lead data.

Please note: there are legacy deal stage calculated properties (Entered stage, Exited stage, and Time in Stage) that were available as filters in reports. These properties will be replaced by the above calculated properties for new and existing reports in March 2024. If your account has a Professional or Enterprise subscription, no action is needed to update reports using the legacy properties. If your account has free tools or a Starter subscription, deal stage calculated properties will be unavailable in reports.

Learn more about HubSpot's default deal properties, HubSpot's default lead properties, and lifecycle stage calculated properties.

Use stage calculated properties in HubSpot tools

You can use deal and lead stage calculated properties to segment and automate actions with deals and leads in views, lists, workflows, and reports.

Please note: records will not be enrolled in workflows based on the Cumulative time and Latest time in [stage] properties if the record is currently in that stage (e.g., Latest time in Contract Sent if that deal is currently in the Contract Sent stage). To enroll these records, your trigger criteria should be Deal stage not updated in last [x] days and Deal stage is any of [stage].

For example, you can:

  • Create a saved view to identify deals that have spent more than two weeks in a given stage.

  • Create a filter using the Advanced filters in the prospecting workspace to identify leads that have spent more than two weeks in a given stage.

  • Create a report that shows the total amount of time spent in all stages using the Cumulative time in [stage] properties.
  • Create a workflow that triggers a task for a deal owner to follow up when the deal's Date entered Contract Sent is more than 7 days ago. You can use similar triggers in a lead-based workflow.


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