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Manage deals in the sales workspace

Last updated: February 21, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Sales Hub   Professional , Enterprise

If you have an assigned Sales Hub seat and a Super Admin has given you access to the Deals tab, you can manage deals from within the sales workspace. You can view and filter your deals and complete actions for deals like sending an email or making a call.

View and filter deals

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Sales.
  • Click the Deals tab.
  • On the left, click the sidebarCollapse Expand icon to view a sidebar of preset views. To change the view, click the Preset view you'd like to view. For example, you can click No activity scheduled to view open deals without an activity scheduled.
  • To change pipeline, click the pipelines dropdown menu and select the pipeline you want to view, or select All pipelines.
  • To filter your deals, click the filters at the top of the table. Click Advanced filters to further customize your filters.
  • To edit the information that's displayed in the table, click Edit columns.

Complete actions for deals

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Sales.
  • Click the Deals tab.
  • To review details about a deal, click a deal name.
  • Review the deal in the right panel.
    • Here you can complete actions like updating the deal stage, editing the close date, sending an email, making a call, or scheduling and meeting by clicking the associated icon. You can also view details about the details like the Deal Stage Tracker, Deal Score, Guided Actions, and Associations
    • You can view the deal insights, which is an AI-generated overview of the deal based on the deal's data and the previous 100 meetings, notes, emails, calls, and transcripts associated to the deal. The deal insights are categorized into four sections:
        • Recent activity: a summary of meetings, calls, emails, and notes associated with the deal. This includes the five most recent activities. Click the activity name to view the activity.
        • Risks: potential areas of concern to focus on such as a decrease in deal score, uncertainty from buyer, and no follow-up activity scheduled. If a risk is related to an activity, click the activity name to view the activity. 
        • Buyer goals: the buyer's business needs.
        • Company research insights: data collected from a third party service (Owler) about the deals associated company including: company news, competitors, technology stack.

      Please note:

      • Deal insights enforces each user's CRM deal permissions. HubSpot users with Add & edit users permissions should ensure their teams have the desired permissions. It is possible that two reps will have different deal insights. For example, if Rep A emails a contact about a budget decrease, but Rep B does not have permission to review the email, deal insights may not suggest this as risk to Rep B
      • To view deal insights, you must have the Customer Analysis toggle turn on in your AI assistant settings.
      • To view deal insights, HIPAA-protected sensitive data must be turned off.
      • If you have HIPAA-protected sensitive data turned on, users in your account can only review five recent activities and deal risks based on CRM data. Users will not see any AI-generated content.
      • To improve the quality of the deal insights, enter as much data as possible for deals and associated objects.
  • To copy the full deal insights, click Show more. Then click Copy in the bottom right.
  • To give feedback on the deal insights, click Helpful or Not helpful in the bottom right. In the pop-up box, complete your feedback, and click Submit feedback.
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