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Troubleshoot sequence enrollment issues

Last updated: February 24, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Sales Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Service Hub   Professional , Enterprise

When attempting to enroll a contact in a sequence, you may come across error messages informing you that the contact cannot be enrolled. 

Review the possible reasons why a contact may not be able to enroll in a sequence. 

Contact issues 

The following are some common reasons why a contact cannot enroll in a sequence: 

  • BLOCKED_ADDRESS: this contact’s email address is blocked by HubSpot. Try a different contact or confirm this contact’s email address is up-to-date before enrolling again. 
  • BLOCKED_DOMAIN: the domain associated with this contact’s email address is blocked by HubSpot. Try a different contact or confirm this contact’s email address is up-to-date before enrolling again.
  • BOUNCED: the email sent by HubSpot has bounced, likely due to an invalid email address. Try a different contact or confirm this contact’s email address is up-to-date before
  • RECIPIENT_PREVIOUSLY_BOUNCED_ON_PORTAL: previous emails sent to this contact from your HubSpot account bounced. Try a different contact or confirm this contact’s email address is up-to-date before enrolling again.
  • RECIPIENT_PREVIOUSLY_BOUNCED_GLOBALLY: previous emails sent to this contact from other HubSpot accounts have bounced. Try a different contact or confirm this contact’s email address is up-to-date before enrolling again. 
  • PREVIOUSLY_MARKED_AS_SPAM: a previous email sent to this contact’s email address was marked as spam.
  • OTHER_SEND_REJECTED: a previous email in this sequence was dropped by the contact’s inbox service provider, so they are unable to receive more emails.
  • UNSUBSCRIBED: the recipient has opted-out of receiving all emails from your company. If you've turned on data privacy settings, you'll need to select a Legal basis for processing contact's data
  • UNSUBSCRIBED_PERSONAL: the recipient has opted-out of receiving these types of emails from your company. If you've turned on data privacy settings, you'll need to select a Legal basis for processing contact's data
  • ALREADY_ENROLLED: the contact is already enrolled in a sequence. Contacts can only be enrolled in one sequence at a time.

Account and email provider issues 

The following are some common reasons why your sequence may not be behaving as expected:

  • Rate limit reached: HubSpot imposes send limits so you don't hit your email provider's send limit. If a contact encounters this error in a sequence, you should re-enroll them at the following step. Learn more about sales email send limits.

  • Send failure: there are a few reasons you may see a Permanent fail error for a contact in a sequence. Check your internet connection and try re-enrolling your contact at this step. Also, try reconnecting your inbox, as your email provider may be preventing you from sending the sequence step to this contact. 
  • Inbox disconnected: the inbox disconnected and HubSpot was unable to access your email account to send this sequence step. Check your inbox connection within HubSpot and your email client. 
  • Gmail send error: when you enroll a contact in a sequence from Gmail, the first step is executed by Gmail, not the HubSpot email system. This enrollment failed because Gmail failed to send the first step. HubSpot is unable to view what caused this error, you can try re-enrolling the contact from Gmail after a few minutes. If the issue persists, reach out to Google Support or use the CRM to enroll your contact. 
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