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Generate RSS feed URLs for blogs, authors, and tags

Last updated: December 4, 2023

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RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds standardize web content listings into a universal XML format. In HubSpot, you can generate an the RSS feed URL for a blog, blog tag, or blog author. You can also add an RSS Listing module to your page with a feed for any blog, author, or topic.

Generate RSS feed URLs for blogs

You can create an RSS feed URL using your blog's root URL. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog.
  • In the top left, click the Blog posts dropdown menu and select Blog listing pages
  • Hover over a listing page and click Details
  • Copy the URL in the URL field, then add /rss.xml .

For example, a blog hosted at would have this RSS feed URL:

Generate RSS feed URLs for blog tags

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog.
  • In the top left, click the Blog posts dropdown menu and select Tags.
  • Click the name of a tag.
  • In the URL bar of the live page, copy the URL. 
  • Add /rss.xml to the end of the URL.

For example, the News tag of a blog hosted at would have an RSS feed URL of:

Generate RSS feed URLs for blog authors

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog.
  • In the top left, click the Blog posts dropdown menu and select Authors.
  • Click the name of an author. Authors without associated live posts will not have a live author profile page. 
  • In the URL bar of the live page, copy the URL. 
  • Add /rss.xml to the end of the URL.

For example, a blog author named John Smith writing for a blog hosted at would have this RSS feed URL:

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