Connect HubSpot and SignalFx
Last updated: April 20, 2023
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
- Use the search bar to search for the SignalFx integration and click SignalFx in the results. In the top right, click Connect app.
- In the dialog box, enter the below details from your SignalFx account:
- Organization ID: click Dashboards and copy the Organization ID (a string of letters and numbers).
- Realm: in the top right corner click Settings, select My Profile and copy the value for Realm under the Organizations section.
- Access token: in the top right corner click Settings, and click Access Tokens.
- Custom prefix for metric names: write a unique name for all HubSpot data sent to SignalFx.
- Click Connect app.
- You will be redirected back to Connected apps and your data will sync between HubSpot and SignalFx.
Learn more about accessing your metrics with the CMS Performance API.
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Integration requirements
Connect Signal FX and HubSpot