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Exclude specific lists or contacts from receiving a marketing email

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

When you select recipients for a marketing email, you can exclude specific contacts or lists from receiving the email.

Please note: the instructions below only apply when you're creating a regular marketing email. If you're creating an automated email, its recipients will be based the associated workflow's enrollment criteria. If you're creating a blog/RSS email, the recipients will be selected automatically based on your blog subscribers.

To exclude lists or contacts when sending a marketing email:
  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Email.
  • Hover over your email and click Edit, or create a new email.
  • Click the Send or schedule tab.
  • Click the Don't send to dropdown menu to search for lists and/or individual contacts. 
  • Select the checkbox next to a list or contact to exclude them from this email.
  • When you're done configuring your email recipients, click Review and send in the top right.

  • In the Review and send panel, confirm your email's recipients and sending settings, then click Send.

Please note: if a contact is included as a recipient on the Individual contacts tab, they'll receive the email even if they're a member of a list you're excluding. If you don't include a contact as a recipient in the Individual contacts tab but they are a member of an inclusion list and an exclusion list that you've specified in the Lists tab, that contact will not receive the email.

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