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Create automated emails to use in workflows

Last updated: October 29, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Professional , Enterprise

To send a marketing email through a workflow, you must create and save the email for automation. You can create automated emails using the marketing email tool or within the workflows tool.

If you have a Marketing Hub Enterprise subscription, you can create and use custom tokens to use data from your workflows in your automated emails.

Create automated emails

To create an automated email, you can draft one in the marketing email tool, or directly within the workflows editor as you configure your workflow:

  • To create an automated email from the marketing email tool:
    • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Email.
    • In the upper right, click Create email.
    • In the right panel, select Automated
    • At the bottom, click Next

  • To create an automated email from the workflows tool:
    • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Automations > Workflows.
    • Click the name of an existing workflow, or create a new workflow.
    • In the workflow editor, click the plus icon + to add a workflow action.
    • In the right panel, select the Send email action.
    • Click the Automated email dropdown menu and select Create new email. You will be directed to the marketing email editor.

  • Select a template. Your email will be automatically created.
After composing and setting up the email, click the Sending tab.
  • To exclude contacts with low engagement, click the Don't send to unengaged contacts checkbox.
  • If you have a Marketing Hub Enterprise account, HubSpot applies a send frequency cap by default to help prevent you from overloading a contact's inbox. To disable this setting, unselect the Apply send frequency cap checkbox.
  • In the upper right, click Review and publish to publish the automated email. Once the automated email is published, it will be available for selection in the Send email action in workflows. 

Please note:

  • If you insert deal or ticket personalization tokens, the email can only be used in deal or ticket workflows respectively. Contact and company personalization tokens can be used in any workflow type.
  • If you edit your automated email after it's been published, any changes to the graymail suppression setting will not be applied.


Check the authentication status of published automated emails

If you've created any automated emails that weren't configured to use a connected email sending domain, HubSpot will automatically modify the email address to use a HubSpot managed domain (e.g.,

To check whether any of your automated emails require authentication:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Email.
  • In the top right, click Email tools. Then, click Check automated email sending domain status.

  • Any unauthenticated automated emails will be listed in a table for you to review.
    • To fix the issue for a specific email, click Connect domain next to the email.
    • Alternatively, you can click Change address to switch to an existing connected email sending domain.


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