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Verify the email address used to send marketing emails

Last updated: February 26, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

Before you can use an email address as a "from address" in marketing emails, you must verify that the email address belongs to you or your company, or that you have access to it.

Please note: starting October 26, 2023, when you send an email from an unverified email address with a different domain than your connected email sending domain, HubSpot will require email verification for that address. Unverified email addresses are subject to a variable domain managed by HubSpot, a process which allows the automatic detection and removal of your unauthenticated domain without cancelling the send. Learn more in the section below.

If you have a connected email sending domain, all existing and new from addresses at that domain are automatically verified. For example, if you have a connected email sending domain for, new and existing email addresses such as or are automatically verified. The email addresses of all active and confirmed users in an account are also automatically verified.

Sending emails using an unverified address

All marketing emails and transactional emails sent via HubSpot that do not use a connected email sending domain are subject to a variable domain managed by HubSpot. This enables the automatic detection and removal of your unauthenticated domain without canceling the send. This process may negatively affect how your recipients engage with your emails.

For example, if you attempt to send an email from an unauthenticated domain, such as, then HubSpot will modify the email address to use a HubSpot managed domain (e.g.,, so the resulting sending address will appear as:

Verify an email address in the review panel of the email editor

You can verify an email address in the Review and send panel of your drafted email:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Email.
  • Click the name of a draft email.
  • In the top right, click Review and send.
  • In the right panel, under Required fields, click From address.
  • In the dialog box, click Send verification email.

  • You'll receive an email that will request approval of your email address to use in marketing emails sent from your HubSpot account. Click the email, review its contents to confirm that the details are accurate, then click Approve.

Verify an email address in the settings tab of the email editor

To verify an email address that doesn't match a connected email sending domain or an existing user:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Email.
  • Click the name of a draft email or click Create email.
    • In the content editor, click the Settings tab.
    • Click the From address dropdown menu and select an existing or add a new email address.
    • Click Verify address.

  • In the dialog box, click Send verification email.
  • You'll receive an email asking to approve use of your email address in marketing emails sent from your HubSpot account. Click Approve.

The email address will be immediately eligible for use as a from address or test recipient of marketing emails in your HubSpot account.

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