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Turn on support for global privacy control

Last updated: July 20, 2023

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

Global Privacy Control (GPC) allows website visitors to signal their privacy preferences to websites through their browser or an extension. The signal notifies websites of a visitor's preferences regarding sharing and selling their data. Supporting the signal can help companies manage compliance with laws such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA).

Please note: while these features live in HubSpot, your legal team is the best resource to give you compliance advice for your specific situation.

To turn on support for GPC:

  • Follow the steps to set up your consent banner with the new editor.
  • In the right sidebar, turn on the Respond to GPC signaling toggle.
  • Customize your banner text, or click the Choose default text dropdown menu and select your preferred language default text.
  • Click Next.
  • Continue setting up your consent banner.

Once this is turned on, when a website visitor with GPC turned on through their browser or an extension visits your website, they will see a banner similar to below. The visitors will not be tracked by unessential HubSpot cookies. If you are using HubSpot’s cookie scanning and blocking feature (beta) and cookie blocking is turned on, then non-essential third-party cookies will also be blocked by the GPC banner. 

If a website visitor without GPC turned on visits your website, they will see your normal consent banner.

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