Use HubSpot's integration with Zapier
Last updated: February 11, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
Zapier connects HubSpot to over 1,400 apps using triggers and actions to automate work between HubSpot and other apps. For example, when there's a new contact in HubSpot (trigger), you can add the contact to a Google spreadsheet (action) using Zapier. You can use Zapier actions for a variety of HubSpot objects, such as contacts, companies, deals, and custom objects.
The Zapier integration within HubSpot is free to all HubSpot customers. The integration requires a Zapier account, and certain apps integrated with Zapier may require a paid Zapier subscription. Review Zapier's pricing page for more information.
Please note: datetime values sent through Zapier into HubSpot will be rounded down to UTC midnight. This may result in date discrepancies between external apps and HubSpot.
Before you begin
- You must be a super admin to connect Zapier to HubSpot.
Connect HubSpot and Zapier
- In your HubSpot account, click the Marketplace icon marketplace in the top navigation bar, then select App Marketplace.
- Use the search bar to search for and select the Zapier app.
- Click Install app.
- Click Log in to sign in to your existing Zapier account, or Sign up to create a new Zapier account.
- To complete the integration setup, create your first HubSpot Zap.
Create a Zap
- In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar. In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Integrations > Connected Apps.
- Click Zapier.
- Click Open Zaps to review your existing workflows.
- To set up a new Zap, select which app you want to connect HubSpot to. You'll be redirected to a pop-up window to continue setting up the Zap.
- On the Account tab, select the app account you want the action to occur in.
- On the Action tab, set up the action.
- On the Test tab, click Test step to test the Zap.
- Click Publish to take your Zap live.
Learn more about setting up your Zap.
Popular Zaps for HubSpot
- Add new HubSpot contacts to a Google Spreadsheet
- Get an email alert for new HubSpot contacts
- Get an SMS or Phone call alert for new HubSpot contacts
- Send leads from a Wufoo form to HubSpot
- Send leads from an Unbounce landing page to HubSpot
- Send leads from a Gravity Forms form to HubSpot
- Send Eventbrite registrants to HubSpot
- Create Highrise contact from new HubSpot contacts
- Add new HubSpot contacts to a MailChimp list
Explore other HubSpot Zap templates.