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Set a blog post's publish date and time

Last updated: May 23, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

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You can modify the publish date of an unpublished or published blog post in the Publishing Options tab of the content editor. 

Please note: modifying a post's publish date may cause external RSS emails for your blog to include the post because the blog's RSS feed will be changed.

Publish a blog post immediately 

By default, new blog posts and changes to existing blog posts will be published immediately. If your blog post is scheduled for a different date, you can set it to be published immediately instead: 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog
  • Click the name of the post. 
  • In the content editor, click Publish in the top right.

Set the publish date for an unpublished post 

You can publish a new blog post with a publish date in the past, or schedule it to be posted on a future date.

New blog posts with a publish date in the past will not trigger blog subscription emails or automated social posts.

New blog posts with a publish date in the future will not appear on your live site or trigger blog notification emails until that date. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog
  • Click the name of the post. 
  • In the content editor, click the dropdown menu next to Publish in the top right and select Publishing options
  • In dialog box, select the Schedule publish for later checkbox. 
  • Click the date picker and select a publish date, then click the time picker and select a publish time. Times can be selected in half-hour increments. 
  • Click Schedule (for future dates) or Update now (for past dates). 


Set the publish date for a published post 

You can change the publish date of an existing live post to a date in the past or the future. 

Changing a blog post's publish date to a date in the past will not trigger a duplicate blog subscription email or automated social post .

If blog subscription emails were not turned on in your blog settings when the post was originally published, then the post may be included in relevant weekly or monthly blog notification emails for the new publish date. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog
  • Click the name of the post. 
  • In the content editor, click the dropdown menu next to Update in the top right and select Publishing options
  • In the dialog box, select the Schedule update checkbox.
  • Click the date picker and select a publish date. Click the time picker and select a publish time. Times can be selected in half-hour increments. 
  • Click Update now


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