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Copy a template or theme to another HubSpot account

Last updated: February 11, 2025

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If you have access to multiple HubSpot accounts, you can copy templates, coded files, folders, and themes from one account to another from within the design manager

When copying assets that have external dependencies, such as linked stylesheets and global groups, it's recommended that you move all assets into one folder, then copy the folder. This will prevent errors and ensures that your assets are organized when they arrive in the destination account.

Keep in mind the following when copying design manager assets across accounts:

  • You must be logged in with the same email address in both accounts in order to copy a template or theme between the two accounts. You will not be able to copy purchased templates from one account to another.
  • Any assets outside of the folder being copied will not be copied across accounts. This includes any attached CSS/JS files, global groups, custom modules, etc. 
  • Image files will not be moved over to the destination account; they will only be linked to in order to maintain the same file URL, which originates from the source account.
  • Copying a template does not create pages, it only copies the templates, included assets and dependencies.
  • Theme folders in the @hubspot or @marketplace directories cannot be copied between accounts.

  • You cannot copy individual assets within a theme folder across accounts. You'll either need to copy the entire theme folder, or clone the asset and move it out of the theme folder before copying. 
  • This function can also be used to transfer folders, coded files, and custom modules to another account.

Please note: a module can only be copied to an account once. For example, you've previously copied a folder that contains a template, an HTML file, and a module. If you copy the folder to the same account again, the template and HTML file will be copied as clones, but the module will not. To copy the module, you would first need to clone the module or folder, which will recreate the module with a new ID, then copy the clone to the account.

To copy a template or theme folder:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Design Manager.
  • In the left sidebar, right-click the name of the template or theme folder, then select Copy to different account. You can also Click the Actions dropdown menu and select Copy to different account.

  • In the dialog box, use the Destination account dropdown menu to select the account you want to copy the template to, then click Copy assets.
  • The copy will begin processing, and you'll see a confirmation once that process has completed.

If you encounter an external dependency error, ensure that all external dependencies are included in the folder that you're copying. This includes linked files, global groups, and custom modules.

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