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Provide a direct download link to a file hosted on the files tool

Last updated: July 18, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

If you want to share a file directly with your team or anyone else, you can retrieve a direct link and send this link to the file for download. 

Before you get started

When sharing your file with a direct download link, please note the following:

  • Most browsers will open links to PDF files in a new browser tab or window, instead of downloading the file to the visitor's computer. Whether the file opens in the browser or downloads automatically depends on the visitor's web browser and its settings. 
  • There isn't a way to force the file to download without using server-side script, which is not supported in the files tool. You may consider packaging your file in a .zip file, which prompts an automatic download on most browsers.

Retrieve your direct download link

To retrieve your direct download link to share your file: 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Library > Files.
  • Locate the file you want to share and click the file name
  • In the right panel, click Access and URLs.
  • Under the File URL by domain section, click Copy URL to copy the link to your clipboard. By default, the file URL will follow a format with
  • Depending on your subscription, you can also use a connected domain for the file URL:
    • Click the File URL by domain dropdown menu and select a domain.
    • Click Copy URL


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