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Convert non-HubSpot forms into HubSpot forms

Last updated: December 12, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

When a submission to an external form is collected in HubSpot, a non-HubSpot form will be created on your forms dashboard.

If you want to use a HubSpot form instead of your external form, you can convert your external non-HubSpot form into a HubSpot form with the same fields.

After converting, you can then embed this HubSpot form to replace the existing non-HubSpot form on your external page.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Forms.
  • In the upper left, click the Form type dropdown menu and select Non-HubSpot.
  • Hover over the non-HubSpot form you want to convert and click the Actions dropdown menu, then select Copy to HubSpot.
  • In the dialog box, click Copy to HubSpot to create a HubSpot form with all the same form fields.

  • Once the HubSpot form is ready, you'll be redirected to the form editor where you can customize your form fields and options.
  • Click Publish.
  • Embed the newly copied form on your website to replace the existing non-HubSpot form. The embedded HubSpot form will collect new submissions. 

Once converted, a new HubSpot form will be created in your account, while the original non-HubSpot form and its historic submissions will remain. The HubSpot form can be identified by the word Converted in the title of your original form.

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