Delete your HubSpot user
Last updated: January 29, 2024
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When a user's access is removed from a HubSpot account, the user cannot access the account. However, the user associated with the email address will continue to exist. You can fully delete your user account once it no longer has access to any HubSpot accounts.
Please note: deleting your user will delete any Academy certifications associated with that email address. To maintain your certifications, you can transfer your certifications to a new email address before deleting your user.
To permanently delete your user account:
- Log in to the user you want to delete. Ensure it does not have access to any HubSpot accounts.
- In your HubSpot account, click your account name in the top right corner, then click Profile & Preferences.
- In the left sidebar menu, click Security.
- Under Permanently Remove, click Delete my user account.
- In the dialog box, enter your user email address, then click Delete user.
User Management
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