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Remove access to HubSpot in your Google account

Last updated: February 11, 2025

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To use certain HubSpot tools, you need to connect a Google account to HubSpot. Google apps you can connect include a Gmail inbox, a Google calendar, or Google Search Console. If you want to disconnect those apps from HubSpot, you need to completely revoke access to HubSpot in your Google account.

Impact of removing access in Google

When you remove access to HubSpot in your Google account, any of the following apps that were connected to HubSpot will disconnect: 

If these apps are disconnected, you can no longer use the tools that rely on the Google connection.

For example, any sequence emails that are scheduled to send, or any one-to-one emails scheduled to send using the Send Later feature will fail to send. If you choose to reconnect your Gmail inbox, learn how to reschedule an email or re-enroll a contact in a sequence

Your scheduling pages will also no longer work when you remove access to Google. Learn how to reconnect your calendar to the meetings tool

Remove access in your Google account

After disconnecting your Google account in HubSpot, remove the connection in your Google account completely:

  • Navigate to your Google account settings.
  • In the left sidebar menu, select Security.
  • In the Third-party apps with account access section, click Manage third-party access.
  • In the list of third-party apps, select HubSpot, then click Remove access.hubspot-remove-access
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