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Create scheduling pages with the meetings tool

Last updated: September 17, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

Create one-on-one scheduling pages so contacts can book meetings with you. If you have an assigned Sales Hub or Service Hub seat, you can also create a team scheduling page so contacts can book time with multiple users. Your contacts can access these scheduling pages using a meeting link. If you connect your Gmail or Office 365 calendar, scheduled meetings will sync with your connected calendar so your appointments will always be up-to-date. 

Users with Meeting scheduling pages permissions can also create and edit scheduling pages for other users by selecting the other user as the meeting organizer.

If you do not have a seat, you can only customize one scheduling page with default HubSpot branding. Learn more about your subscription limits in HubSpot’s Product & Services catalog. 

Before you get started

Create scheduling pages

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Library > Meetings Scheduler.
  • In the upper right, click Create scheduling page.
  • In the dialog box, select a meeting option:
    • One-on-One: the contact will schedule time with just you or the user you're creating the scheduling pages for.
    • Group (Sales Hub or Service Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise only): this team scheduling page displays time slots where all selected team members are available to meet. Use this option to help a contact book a meeting with more than one member of your team at once.
    • Round robin (Sales Hub or Service Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise only): this team scheduling page shows the individual availability of all selected team members. Use this option to help a contact book a meeting with a team member whose availability aligns best with their schedule.
  • Continue setting up your scheduling page by following the steps below.


On the Overview page, edit the scheduling page's basic information.

  • Internal name: the name that appears when the meeting link used to access the scheduling page is added to an email.
  • Business unit: if you have the business units add-on, select the business unit you want to associate this meeting with from the Business unit dropdown menu.
  • Organizer: the meeting owner, or the user the contact is scheduling a meeting with. You must have Meeting scheduling pages permissions to create scheduling pages for other users in your account, and the user must have activated the meetings tool. To create a scheduling page for another user, select their name from the Organizer dropdown menu.
  • Title: the name of the calendar event you share with your contact. For example, "Product Demo" would appear as event name. You can insert personalization tokens in the subject by clicking Contact token or Company token.
  • Location: include information about how and where you will connect with your meeting attendee. This can be a call-in link, a physical location, etc. This location will appear in the contact's calendar invite, and the event created on your default personal calendar.
  • Add videoconference link: if you're using HubSpot's integration with Microsoft Teams, Zoom, UberConference, or Google Meet, you can add a videoconference link. If you have not set up a videoconference integration, you will not see this option. If you're using different videoconferencing software, and you're a developer or there's a developer on your team, learn how to use the Video Conference Extension API.
  • Cancel and reschedule: toggle the switch on to include cancel and reschedule links in the event description, so when a meeting is scheduled the contact can cancel or modify the date and time if needed.
  • Description: a description of the meeting that appears in the invite when a meeting is booked. This description will appear in the calendar invite your contact receives and the event created on your default personal calendar.


  • Click Next.

Team members (Sales Hub or Service Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise only)

Select which team members you want to include in the group or round robin meeting.

Please note:

  • Your team member must have activated the meetings tool, which they can do by navigating to the meetings tool and clicking Get started and have an assigned Sales Hub or Service Hub seat to be added to a group or round robin meeting. If a user's calendar is not connected, they can still be added to the link, but this may impact the available times that appear on the scheduling page. .
  • Once the scheduling page is created, the user that created a group meeting can't be removed as team member. However, a user that created a round robin meeting can remove themselves as a team member.
  • If all team members in a meeting are deactivated or no longer have an assigned Sales Hub or Service Hub seat, the meeting link will be deactivated. 

  • In the top right, click Add team member.
  • In the right panel, click the Team members dropdown menu and select another team member, then click Confirm. If a user's calendar is disconnected, an alert will appear below their name and the Check availability switch will be turned off.


  • Click Next.


On the Scheduling page, customize your meeting availability and booking form.

  • At the top, edit the scheduling page URL. This is the link that contacts will use to book meetings on your calendar, and it cannot be edited after the link is created. you can only use alphanumeric characters, hyphens, or underscores in the scheduling page URL. Other special characters are not supported.
  • If you're creating a one-to-one, group scheduling, or round robin page and you've set up HubSpot payments or Stripe payment processing, you can add a payment link to the scheduling page by toggling the Collect payments switch on.
  • On the Payment tab, click the Payment link dropdown menu and select a payment link. The checkout page for this payment link will appear when a contact books a meeting on this scheduling page.



If you're creating a round robin meeting, on the Welcome tab, you can choose to display the contact owner's scheduling page. If you don't want to prioritize the contact owner's scheduling page, skip to the Schedule tab.
  • To display the contact owner's scheduling page when the known contact books a meeting, click to toggle the Prioritize contact owner switch on. Learn more about how this setting impacts meeting availability.
  • With the Prioritize contact owner setting turned on, a welcome screen will appear where the contact can enter their email address before accessing the scheduling page:
    • In the Page title field, enter the text that appears on the welcome screen.
    • In the Description field, enter text to explain why you're asking for the visitor's email address.
    • To customize the image that appears on the welcome screen, in the Image section, select an image option.
      • Default image: the default meetings icon provided by HubSpot will appear.
      • Company avatar: the company avatar associated with the email domain of the user who created the scheduling page. This is populated using HubSpot Insights.
      • Custom image: upload a custom square image selected from the file manager. The image must be square to render correctly. Hover over the avatar and click the edit pencil icon, then select Change photo. In the right panel, select an image.



On the Schedule tab, you can customize the following:
    • Title: enter the name that will appear above the calendar on the scheduling page.
    • Duration: the length of time visitors can book you for. click the Duration options dropdown menu and select the desired durations. Click + Add custom duration to add more options.
    • Time zone: click the Time zone dropdown menu and select your time zone. This is the time zone that your availability is based on.

Please note: Kazakhstan doesn't recognize daylight savings, so these regions are under the UTC+5 time zone. Learn more about how to work around this.

  • Availability window: use the dropdown menus to set the days of the week and duration of your available time slots. Click + Add hours to add additional time slots.
  • Consider working hours: toggle the Consider working hours toggle on if you want users to be booked during their working hours. If users don't have working hours set, they won't be booked outside of the availability window set above. Learn how to set working hours

Please note: your scheduling page's available times will appear in the contact's time zone settings. For example, if the contact's computer is set to Pacific time, the times will appear in Pacific time. The contact's calendar settings determine the date and time of the calendar event sent to the contact after booking a meeting.

  • To see additional customization options, click to expand the Additional settings section. Here you can customize the following:
    • Image: this image will appear at the top of your scheduling page. Select an image option:
      • Organizer's avatar: the meeting organizer's avatar, set in their user profile and preferences, will appear. This option is only available when creating a one-on-one scheduling page.
        • Company avatar: the company avatar associated with the email domain of the user who created the scheduling page will appear. This is populated using HubSpot Insights.
        • Custom image: upload a custom image selected from the file manager. Hover over the avatar and click the edit pencil icon, then select Change photo. In the right panel, select an image.
      • When a meeting can be scheduled: enter the number of days or weeks from now that people can book time on your calendar. If you are creating a scheduling page for an event or conference, you can specify a custom date range for booking. Select the Over a period of rolling time or Custom date range (users with assigned Sales Hub and Service Hub seats only) radio button, then select the number of business days, calendar days, or weeks, or use the date picker fields to set your time range. A custom date range cannot be longer than 10 weeks.
      • Minimum notice time: click the dropdown menu to select the minimum amount of time before a meeting that someone can book time with you.
      • Buffer time: click the dropdown menu to select the amount of buffer time between each of your meetings. The buffer time prevents meetings from being booked too closely together. For example, if you have a meeting from 1:00 - 1:30pm and have a buffer time of 30 minutes, the next available meeting time would be 2:00pm.
      • Start time increment: set the frequency of your meeting start times. For example, if you are available between 10:00am and 12:00pm for a 60 minute meeting and your start time increment is 15 minutes, a prospect can book 60 minutes with you at 10:00am, 10:15am, 10:30am, and so on.
      • Booking page language: select the language that the scheduling page should appear in. If a visitor’s browser settings can’t be detected, your scheduling page will appear in English.

    Please note: if you set the Booking page language to Use visitor's browser settings, consent text will always be displayed in English regardless of the visitor's browser language.

    • Date and time format: the date and time will be formatted in the same language selected for the booking page language. click-to-expand-additional-meetings-settings


Click the Form tab to customize the form contacts will see when booking a meeting with you.
  • By default, contacts will be required to enter their First Name, Last Name, and Email when booking. If a form is submitted via a meetings link, a unique email address will always create a new contact, regardless of if an existing contact has a matching user token. In this case, the existing contact's email address will not be overwritten by the new email address.
  • If you are assigned a Sales Hub or Service Hub seat you can add additional questions. Keep in mind that any additional form fields that are added will be included in the calendar event invite and event description. If you're creating a scheduling page for another user who does not have an assigned Sales Hub or Service Hub seat, you cannot add additional questions to the form.
    • To add a simple text field question, click Custom question. Enter a question, then click Save. To make the field optional, clear the Required checkbox to the right of the field. 
    • To add an existing contact property as a field, click Contact property. This allows you to add different field types to your form. If you need to create a new property for this field, learn how to create custom properties. Select a contact property from the dropdown menu, then click Save. To make the field optional, clear the Required checkbox to the right of the field. You cannot add a file upload field to your meetings form.
  • To add a CAPTCHA challenge to the scheduling page to prevent spam submissions, click to toggle the CAPTCHA (spam prevention) switch on.
  • To allow customers to invite other guests to the meetings, click to toggle the Allow guests switch on. Turning this setting on will automatically turn off the Auto-submit form when all fields are pre-populated setting.

Please note: you can allow prospects to provide email addresses for guests when they book a meeting with you as long as certain criteria are met. As detailed in our Privacy Policy, the prospect must confirm they have the other guests' consent to share their details with HubSpot. The guests must also agree to HubSpot holding and processing their information and data for the purpose of creating a meeting invite and reviewing meeting attendees. Guest data provided to us will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  • If you have data privacy settings turned on in your account, any scheduling pages created moving forward will default to data privacy ON. The scheduling page will show the default Consent text you have set up in your Privacy & Consent account settings. To customize your data privacy & consent options for this scheduling page, click Customize:
    • You can capture a contact's consent to communicate to a specific subscription type, or capture legitimate interest on your scheduling page. In the Customize marketing consent panel, select Consent or Legitimate interest from the dropdown menu.
      • Consent: edit the communication consent text, then add additional subscription types/checkboxes to allow visitors to consent to communication from multiple subscription types on a single scheduling page. Click + Add another checkbox, then select a consent type and edit the text that will appear next to the checkbox.
      • Legitimate interest: select a lawful basis from the dropdown menu. To add more subscription types so you can capture multiple subscription types implicitly, click + Add another subscription, then click the Subscription type dropdown menu and select a subscription type. The default subscription that you select in meetings is "one-on-one" communication. It's an internal subscription type in your HubSpot account.
    • Edit the scheduling page's privacy and consent text. Any changes made to an individual scheduling page's Privacy & Consent options will override the default text set in your account settings.
    • To see how the consent options will render, click the Preview tab.
  • To access additional form settings, click to expand the Additional settings section:
    • If you do not want form fields on the booking page to pre-populate with known information when a contact returns to your site, click to toggle the Pre-populate fields with known values switch off. Turning this setting off will automatically turn off the Auto-submit form when all fields are pre-populated setting.
    • To automatically submit the form when the form fields pre-populate with known data, click to toggle the Auto-submit form when all fields are pre-populated switch on.


Users with an assigned Sales Hub or Service Hub seat can redirect contacts to a specific website page, landing page, or external page after they book a meeting. To customize the contact's experience after booking, click the Confirmation
  • Select the Redirect to another page option. If you’ve installed ad network pixels, this redirect supports tracking meeting bookings with external networks like Google and Facebook.
  • To select a HubSpot page, click the dropdown menu and select a page. meetings-redirect-to-another-page
  • To redirect to an external page, click Add external link. In the dialog box, enter the URL, then click Add.
  • Click Next.


On the Automation page, you can turn off the automatic booking confirmation email or add additional reminder emails to be sent out before the meeting.

Please note: you cannot edit the content of the confirmation emails. Reminder emails can be edited if you have an assigned Sales Hub or Service Hub seat and have opted into the Customize your pre-meeting reminder email.

  • By default, a confirmation email will be sent when someone books a meeting using this scheduling page. To turn this off, click to toggle the Confirmation email switch off.
  • To send reminder emails before a meeting, click to toggle the Pre-meeting reminder switch on. Reminder emails will only be sent if your calendar is connected. If the turn on meeting reminder by default switch is on for your account, new scheduling pages will inherit the default reminders.
    • To select how many weeks, days, hours, or minutes before the meeting an email should be sent out, enter a number in the text field, then click the Scheduled reminder email dropdown menu and select a time measure.
      • You can add up to three reminder emails. To add additional reminder emails, click + Add reminder. To delete a reminder, click the
      • To include the invite description in the reminder email body, select the Include the Invite Description in the reminder email body checkbox.

Please note: reminder emails are sent as transactional emails, even if you are not using the transactional email add-on. These do not count towards your email sending limit.

    • To include the invite description in the reminder email, select the Include the Invite Description in reminder checkbox.
    • To preview the email your contacts will receive, click Preview reminder email. The language of the email will match the language selected in the Booking page language dropdown menu.
  • Click Done.

Share your scheduling page

You can now share a meeting link with your contacts so they can access the scheduling page and book time with you. In the Type column, a One-on-One, Group, or Round Robin label will appear next to the meeting name, and the organizer's name will be listed below the label.

Please note:

  • For round robin meetings, the reminder email will be sent from the HubSpot user who has been booked for the meeting with the contact, not the HubSpot user who created the scheduling page.
  • When a meeting is booked, the organizer will be the user who created the round robin scheduling page. The host will be the user who was assigned the meeting.

Users with an assigned Sales Hub or Service Hub seat can also customize the company logo, company information, and default colors that display on your scheduling page in your account settings. Changes made here will also apply to your documents and quotes. Learn how to edit your company branding for HubSpot's sales tools.

Learn how to manage scheduling pages.

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