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Schedule a meeting with a contact in a record

Last updated: March 7, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

Once you've integrated your Google Calendar or Office 365 calendar, you can schedule meetings with contacts from contact, company, deal, or ticket records and send a calendar invite to the meeting attendees. You can also add users as meeting attendees.

Users in a Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise account with an assigned seat can schedule meetings on behalf of other users in the account who also have an assigned seat.

This article applies to users who are using the Google Calendar or Office 365 integration with HubSpot. If you connected your calendar to the meetings tool, learn more about creating and editing scheduling pages

Please note:

  •  if you are using a sandbox account, you can only book meetings with other users in the sandbox account.
  • for the most up-to-date features, you can opt-in to the beta.

Schedule a meeting for yourself on desktop

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to your contacts, companies, deals, or tickets.
  • Click the name of the record.
  • In the left panel, click meetingsSchedule a meeting. A pop-up box of your connected calendar will appear. To set up your meeting:
    • Click the Duration dropdown menu to set the length of your meeting.
    • Click the desired time on your calendar. 
    • Enter a title for your meeting.
    • Click the Meeting type dropdown menu to select the meeting type. This setting is available only if you have enabled customized call and meeting types.
    • Click the Attendees dropdown menu to search and select other contacts and users who should be included in the meeting.
    • Click the Location dropdown menu and select one of the following options for the meeting location. 
        • Phone call: write the phone number in the text field.
        • In-person: write the address in the text field.
      Video conferencing: connect a video conferencing app such as Zoom, Google Meet, or UberConference. A link will be autogenerated upon the creation of the meeting. Learn more about using HubSpot's integrations with Zoom, Google Meet, or UberConference. If you're a developer or have a developer on your team, learn how to use the Video Conference Extension API.
      • Custom: Write customized location details in the text field.
    • To send reminder emails before a meeting, in the Scheduled reminder emails section, select how many weeks, days, hours, or minutes before the meeting an email should be sent out, enter a number in the text field, then click the Scheduled reminder email dropdown menu and select a time measure.
      If the turn on meeting reminder by default switch is on for your account, new meetings will inherit the default reminders. Learn how the time zone of the meeting reminder is determined.
      • You can add up to three reminder emails. To add additional reminder emails, click + Add reminder. To delete a reminder, click the
      • To include the invite description in the reminder email body, select the Include the Invite Description in the reminder email body checkbox.
    • In the Attendee description section, enter details about the meeting. The meeting attendees will see this information in the calendar invite.
      • Use the formatting options at the bottom of the Attendee description section to modify the text, insert a link, use a snippet, or attach an internal-only file (only available when you collapse the calendar).

Please note: to add a Zoom, Google Meet, or UberConference link to your meeting, your HubSpot user email address must match your Zoom, Google Meet, or UberConference user email address.

    • Click + Add Internal Note to open the Team notes text box. In the Team notes text box, enter any internal notes for your team members to review. The meeting contact attendees will not see this information on their calendar invite. Use the formatting options at the bottom to modify the text, insert a link, attach a file, or use a snippet
    • Click the Associated with dropdown menu to search and select/clear the checkboxes next the records to associate with the meeting activity. 

  • You can also click the collapse icon to schedule the meeting without viewing your calendar.

  • Click Save.
    • The contact needs to have a valid email address populated in the Email property to receive an invitation.
    • Once the meeting is scheduled, your contact will receive an invitation with an .ics file which can be added to their calendar.
    • A meeting will automatically be created for you in your calendar.

Please note: if you have not integrated with Google Calendar or Office 365 Calendar, you will be prompted to do so when scheduling a meeting.


The meeting will save as an engagement on the record's timeline. Your name will be listed as the host and organizer.

Schedule a meeting for yourself in the HubSpot mobile app

  • Open the HubSpot app on your iOS or Android device.
  • Tap Menu, then tap Contacts in the left sidebar.
  • Tap the name of the record.
  • Tap More. Then tap Meeting. To set up your meeting:
    • Enter a title and description for your meeting.
    • Tap the Start date, Start time, End date, and End time to set the date and length of your meeting.
    • Tap Check availability to view your calendar.
    • Tap Meeting type to select the meeting type. This setting is available only if you have enabled customized call and meeting types.
    • Tap location and select one of the following options for the meeting location.
        • Address: Write the address in the text field.
        • Phone number: Write the phone number in the text field.
        • Custom location: Write customized location details in the text field.

      Please note: video conferencing is not available when scheduling a meeting from the HubSpot mobile app.

    • Tap Internal Note enter any internal notes for your team members to review. The meeting contact attendees will not see this information on their calendar invite. Use the @ to tag other users.
    • Tap Associated with to search and select/clear the X next the records to associate with the meeting activity. 
    • Tap Save. In the pop-up box, click Continue and send.
      • The contact needs to have a valid email address populated in the Email property to receive an invitation.
      • Once the meeting is scheduled, your contact will receive an invitation with an .ics file which can be added to their calendar.
      • A meeting will automatically be created for you in your calendar.

The meeting will save as an engagement on the record's timeline. Your name will be listed as the host and organizer.

After the meeting is scheduled, you can edit it in the HubSpot mobile app. To edit a meeting: 

  • Open the HubSpot app on your iOS or Android device.
  • Tap Menu, then tap Contacts in the left sidebar.
  • Tap the name of the record associated with the meeting. 
  • Tap the menu icon on top right of the activity. Then, click Edit
  • After you've made changes, tap Save.

Schedule a meeting for another user on desktop (Sales Hub and Service Hub Professional and Enterprise)

If you are a user in a Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise account with an assigned seat, you can schedule meetings on behalf of other users in the account who also have an assigned seat, have their calendar connected, and have calendar sync turned on. This can be helpful if you're a business or sales development representative and you need to schedule a meeting for an account executive.

To schedule a meeting for another user: 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to your contacts, companies, deals, or tickets.
  • Click the name of the record.
  • In the left panel, click meetingsSchedule a meeting. A pop-up box of your connected calendar will appear. To set up the meeting:
    • Click the Host dropdown menu to select the user you're scheduling the meeting for.
    • Click Meeting rotation to use a meeting rotation. Then, click the Search meeting rotation dropdown menu to select a meeting rotation. The Meeting rotation user field will be populated by the member of the rotation who has the fewest meetings assigned. That member's calendar will also appear. If multiple members have the same amount of meetings assigned, the member who was scheduled least recently will be assigned.
      • If the proposed user's calendar is full or if you'd like to choose another user, you can click the Meeting rotation users dropdown menu to select another member.
    • The calendar will update to reflect the host's availability. The Location will also update to reflect the host's video conference options. 

Please note:

  • When a meeting is booked for a user using meeting rotations, that user's meetings booked count will increase by one. If the meeting is deleted, their meetings booked count will decrease by one. 
  • You will not be added to to the meeting as an attendee by default. If you would like to attend the meeting, add yourself as an attendee using the Attendees dropdown menu.

  • Click Save.
    • The contact needs to have a valid email address populated in the Email property to receive an invitation.
    • Once the meeting is scheduled, the contact and the host will receive an invitation with an .ics file which can be added to their calendar.

Users can view who has organized and hosted a meeting by reviewing the record's timeline.

Users can also use the Activity created by property (organizer) and the Activity assigned to property (host) to create a report.

Please note: if you schedule a meeting for another user, existing meetings on their calendar will display Busy rather than the title of the meeting.

Assign a meeting outcome on desktop

After the meeting takes place, the host can assign a meeting outcome to better track meetings with contacts. The default meeting outcome options are: scheduled, completed, rescheduled, no show, and cancelled. You can also create custom meeting outcomes.

  • On the record, click the Actions dropdown menu on the meeting engagement and select Edit.

  • Click the Outcome dropdown menu and select a meeting outcome.

  • Click Save.

Please note: changes to meeting descriptions on the contact record will only be sent to attendees if you are using Google Calendar and have turned on the Google Calendar two-way integration with HubSpot . If you are using an Office 365 calendar or do not have the integration turned on, update the meeting description in the calendar event to send changes to the attendees, not in the contact record.

Assign a meeting outcome in the HubSpot mobile app

Please note: This feature is currently only available for iOS users.

  • Open the HubSpot app on your iOS or Android device.
  • Tap Menu, then tap Contacts in the left sidebar.
  • Tap the name of the record associated with the meeting. 
  • Tap the menu icon on top right of the activity. Then, click Edit
  • Top the meeting outcome to select a new outcome from a list.
  • Tap Save.
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