Turn on data privacy settings in your HubSpot account
Last updated: March 12, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
Data privacy laws (such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)) exist to enhance the protection of the personal data of individuals. These laws also increase the obligations of organizations that collect or process personal data.
Please note: while these features live in HubSpot, your legal team is the best resource to give you compliance advice for your specific situation.
If you are a Super Admin or have Edit account defaults permissions turned on, you can turn on data privacy settings in your HubSpot account settings. This is a centralized place to automatically turn on features intended to support your data privacy compliance efforts throughout your HubSpot account
- In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
- In the left sidebar menu, select Privacy & Consent.
- Click to toggle the Turn on data privacy settings switch on. In the pop-up box, click Yes, turn on data privacy settings.
- To only send marketing emails or customer feedback survey emails to contacts with a legal basis to communicate, select the Legal basis for emails checkbox. Click Save. By default, the legal basis for survey emails will be set to Legitimate interest - Customer.
- Click Set legal basis for surveys to change the default legal basis to communicate for survey emails. After you've made an edit to this, you will click Edit legal basis for surveys to make future changes.
Please note: legal basis to communicate is email address-based. Contacts must give consent for each email address they would like to receive emails for.
- Click Save.
When the Legal basis for emails checkbox is selected, all subscription types on a contact's email subscription page will be unchecked by default.
Once data privacy settings are turned on, you'll have the following features in your account:
- Cookie consent banner toggled ON by default.
- If you're using the HubSpot Sales extension or add-in, banners on contact records notifying you if a contact does not have a legal basis for processing.
- Data privacy-ready forms with a legal basis notice and communication consent checkbox form field for newly created forms. For existing forms or if you are using the new form editor (BETA) , you'll need to add notice and consent information for each form.
- Unsubscribe links turned ON by default for sales one-to-one and sequences emails for users that don't yet have them turned on.
- Scheduling pages that include the notice/consent messaging by default (scheduling pages created before data privacy settings are turned on will not be updated to include this message).
- Ability to add communication consent and legal basis for processing to contacts via a list import, bulk edit, or manual contact creation.
- Tracking (opens and clicks) for emails won't be added for contacts without legal basis.
Permanent delete functionality is available to all accounts, even if data privacy settings are turned off. When deleting a contact you will have two options: Restorable delete a contact to keep the option to restore within 90 days, or Permanent delete the contact fully to comply with GDPR and other data privacy laws.
Please note: if you turn off data privacy settings in your account, the cookie consent banner will not be automatically turned off.
Continue setting up data privacy functionality by clicking the setup tasks under Data privacy setup.