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Customize connected calendar and meeting scheduling page settings

Last updated: February 28, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

After you connect your calendar to HubSpot, you can adjust the following settings:

Sync your calendar and tasks

By default, the Calendar Sync checkbox will be selected when you connect your Google Calendar or Office 365 Calendar. When you create a calendar event with a contact directly in Google Calendar or in Office 365 Calendar, the event will sync to the CRM as a meeting engagement.

Please note: calendar sync does not sync meetings created by integrations.

With calendar sync, meetings created directly on a contact record in the CRM will send calendar event invitations to the contact. Without calendar sync, it'll create a meeting engagement on the record with no calendar event invitation sent. Learn more about scheduling meetings in HubSpot.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to General.
  • Click the Calendar tab.
  • Select the Calendar Sync checkbox.

If your calendar is synced and you have an assigned Sales Hub or Service Hub seat, you can also sync your HubSpot tasks to a subcalendar so HubSpot tasks appear on your Google or Office 365 calendar. Learn more about syncing your HubSpot tasks to your calendar

Turn on meeting scheduling pages and connect availability calendars

By default, the Meeting Scheduling Pages checkbox will be selected when you connect your Google Calendar or Office 365 Calendar sync with HubSpot. With this selected, you'll be able to create a personal scheduling page that allows people to book available times directly to your account’s primary calendar. You can then connect additional calendars to your integrated calendar so that HubSpot will check your availability on each calendar before presenting available times to your prospects. Learn more about creating a meeting scheduling page.

Please note: if you are using Gmail and you have permission to view another email address's calendar, your email must have the Gmail permission View all event details for the calendar to be shown as an option in HubSpot.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to General.
  • Click the Calendar tab.
  • Select the Meeting Scheduling Pages checkbox.
  • Click the Availability Calendars dropdown menu and select any additional calendars.
  • Click Save.

You can only add calendars to your HubSpot account that your email address owns or has access to in your connected Gmail or Office 365 account. Learn how to set up and share new Google calendars and new Office 365 calendars. When a prospect books a meeting with you, the meeting event will only appear on your personal default calendar, not your other integrated calendars.

If you lose access to one of your calendars, contacts won't be able to book meetings with you, even if you have other integrated calendars. Instead, you'll receive an email notifying you that someone is trying to book a meeting with you. You can then either ask the calendar owner to give you access again or remove the inactive calendar from your settings.

To manage inactive calendars:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to General.
  • Click the Calendar tab.
  • To remove the calendar from your settings, click the X next to the inactive calendar.

Edit your scheduling page URL and default scheduling page (Sales Hub or Service Hub StarterProfessional, or Enterprise only)

In your calendar settings in HubSpot, you can change your scheduling page URL that is used for each scheduling page that you create moving forward. You can also change the default scheduling page that is used when inserting meeting links into sales email templates.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to General.
  • Click the Calendar tab.
  • In the Meetings URL field, edit the URL. Changes to your scheduling page URL will apply to all new scheduling pages going forward, but won't change existing scheduling page URLs.

  • To select a different default scheduling page, click the Default meeting link dropdown menu.

Please note: any user can host scheduling pages on any custom domains connected in the domain manager

You can use your own custom domain for your scheduling pages to reflect your brand and enable form fields to pre-populate with information from past form submissions.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to General.
  • Click the Calendar tab.
  • Click the Meeting domain dropdown menu and select a custom domain to host your scheduling pages on instead of a HubSpot address. Only domains that have been connected in your domain manager will appear in the dropdown menu for selection.

Once you have changed your domain, all your meeting links will be updated.

If you want to prevent search engines from indexing scheduling pages on custom domains, you can add "Disallow: /meetings*" to your robots.txt file.

Please note: if you're using a custom domain, the URL still needs to have a different slug than the existing scheduling page on other domains.

For example, and are considered the same, so you wouldn't be able to use if already exists.

Turn off your scheduling pages

If you'd like to turn off all of your scheduling pages without deleting them: 

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to General.
  • Click the Calendar tab.
  • In the Scheduling pages section, click Turn off.
  • To turn on your scheduling pages again, click Turn on.

You can include a meeting link in the chat widget so that visitors can access your scheduling page and book time with you during a chat conversation.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to General.
  • Click the Calendar tab.
  • In the Chat profile section, select the Including a link to your meetings booking page in the messages chat window checkbox.
  • Click the Chat meeting link dropdown menu and select a meeting link.

When you're done making changes to your meetings tool settings, click Save. Learn how to create or edit a scheduling page then share it with your contacts.

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