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Analyze your CTA (legacy) performance

Last updated: June 12, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Content Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Legacy Marketing Hub Basic

After creating your CTAs (legacy) and adding them to your HubSpot content, analyze your CTAs performance and identify which CTAs are receiving the most views and clicks. 

Please note: CTA (legacy) clicks may not always match page views, learn more about the possible reasons for this discrepancy. 

Review your CTAs (legacy) dashboard

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > CTAs.
  • In the top left, click the dropdown menu and select CTAs (Legacy).
  • On the Calls-to-action dashboard, you can find a list of your CTAs. Filter your CTAs by using the dropdown menus above the CTA (legacy) table: 
    • Date range: filter your CTAs across a specific time range. 
    • Campaign: filter your CTAs by associated campaign.
    • Type: filter by CTA type, such as simple, multivariate or smart CTA. 
    • Teams: filter your CTAs by assigned team. 

  • To sort your CTAs on the CTA (legacy) table, click any of the following column headings
    • Name: the internal name of the CTA.
    • Views: the number of times the CTA has been seen by visitors.
    • Click rate: the percentage of views that lead to clicks on the CTA.
    • Clicks: the number of clicks on the CTA.
    • Locations: the number of HubSpot assets (pages, emails, blog posts, etc) the CTA is used on.
    • Last modified: the date that the CTA was last modified.

Review individual CTA (legacy) performance

  • To view a detailed breakdown of a CTA's performance, click the name of a CTA on the CTAs (legacy) dashboard.
  • On the individual CTA's page, click the Date Range dropdown menu to filter your data by a specific time range. 

CTA (legacy) performance reports 

  • Views, clicks, and submissions: these reports show a breakdown of views, clicks, and submissions in the selected time period.
    • To view the metric for the CTA, hover over a data point in the chart.
    • To select a different metric, in the top left, click the dropdown menu.

  • Views, clicks, and submission conversions: this report shows the count and conversion rates for views, clicks, and submissions in the selected time period.

  • Call-to-action placements: this report shows a detailed breakdown of the CTA's performance. You can view data for all of your content, or just your pages or emails.
    • To display data for all of your content, or just your pages or emails, in the upper right, select a content type
    • To see a breakdown of the CTA's performance on specific page URLs, click the name of the CTA.
    • To gauge the performance of your CTA, it is recommended to observe and analyze these two metrics:
      • Click rate: the click rate is the percentage of people who viewed, then clicked the CTA. Compare the click rate of a CTA against another CTA or the historical performance of your CTAs. 
      • Submission rate: the submission rate is the percentage of people who clicked the CTA, then submitted a form on the CTA's URL redirect page. Compare the submission rate of a CTA against another CTA, or the historical performance of your CTAs. 

Please note:

  • The submission rate does not include meeting link clicks. 
  • CTA (legacy) submissions cannot be accurately attributed to an individual page, so submission data is not recorded for each page URL. Submissions are rather reported globally for CTAs (legacy).



  • Revenue Attribution (Marketing Hub Enterprise only): this report shows the attributed revenue, deals with attributed revenue, and contacts with attributed revenue for the campaign.


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