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Test contacts or companies in lists

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

The Test feature allows you to check if a specific contact or company will meet your list criteria before you create a list, or check why a particular record has been included or excluded from your list after it has been created.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Lists.
  • Click the name of an existing list or create a new list.
  • In the Filters tab, click test Test [object]

  • Click the Select a record to test dropdown menu to search for and select the record to test against the list criteria.
  • If the contact meets a group of criteria, the criteria will be in a green box with a checkmark successfor every filter that they meet. The contact's name will also be highlighted in green. 
    • If you have multiple filter groups (OR logic), a record who meets any of those groups, even if they do not meet the other sets of criteria, will be considered to meet the list criteria and will be included in the list. Learn more about AND vs OR list criteria.
  • If the contact does not meet a set of criteria, the criteria will be in a red box with a cross remove next to it.

    • If you have multiple filters within a group, any filters that the contact meets will be highlighted in green. If the contact does not meet a filter, the criteria will have a cross remove next to it.

  • To stop testing a contact or to test another contact, click test Stop testing
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