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Automatically translate multi-language content

Last updated: May 24, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Content Hub   Professional , Enterprise

With AI tools powered by DeepL, you can automatically translate page and post content into other languages. You can create automatically translated content as new language variations or replace existing content with a new translation.

Please note: please avoid sharing any sensitive information in your prompts and review the AI-generated outputs for biases and inaccuracies. To provide and improve the product, HubSpot logs and stores your prompts, generated outputs, and usage metrics when you use our AI tools. HubSpot shares your prompts with AI Service Providers in order to enable your use of this tool, and AI Service Providers access your prompts and generated output for content moderation purposes. Your prompts will be attributed to you. By using this tool, you agree to comply with our AI Service Providers’ policies.

Create new multi-language variations with translations

When you're creating new multi-language variations for pages or blogs, you can automatically generate translated versions based on the original content. 

Please note: automatic translation is not currently available for custom blog modules and some custom page modules. 

  • Navigate to your content:

    • Website Pages: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Website Pages.
    • Landing Pages: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Landing Pages.
    • Blog: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog.
  • Hover over a page or post, then click the More dropdown menu and select Create multi-language variation
  • Click the Variation language dropdown menu and select a language
  • If automatic translations are available for the selected language, click to toggle the HubSpot tranlsate switch on, then click Create


  • In the content editor, edit the translated content, then click Publish in the top right. 

Replace existing multi-language content with translations

In the content editor, you can translate existing content into additional languages. The new translated content can either replace your current content or be created as a new language variant. 

  • Navigate to your content:

    • Website Pages: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Website Pages.
    • Landing Pages: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Landing Pages.
    • Blog: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog.
  • Click the name of your content.
  • In the content editor, click the File menu, then select Multi-language AI Translate.
  • In the dialog box, click the From dropdown menu and select the language of the text you are translating. 
  • Click the To dropdown menu and select the language of the new translation. 
  • By default, the new translation will replace your current content. To create a new language variant instead, select Save as new
  • When you're finished, click Translate


Understand available languages

Automatic translation is currently available for the following languages: 

  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese (simplified)
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English (US)
  • English (UK)
  • Estonian
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hungarian
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (PT)
  • Portuguese (BR)
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian 
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