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Insert a link in a rich text module

Last updated: May 23, 2024

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In a rich text module, you can insert a link to an external or Hubspot-hosted page, as well as an email address or file. You can also customize that link's search engine attributes. 

Add a link to your content

  • Navigate to your content:

    • Website Pages: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Website Pages.
    • Landing Pages: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Landing Pages.
    • Blog: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog.
    • Email: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Marketing Email.
  • Click the name of your content. 
  • In the content editor, click the rich text module where you want to add the link.
  • Highlight the text or image you want to hyperlink.
  • In the rich text toolbar, click the link link icon.
  • In the pop-up box, click the Link to dropdown menu and select a link type:
    • URL: link to a page that's not hosted on HubSpot. In the URL field, enter the URL of the page. 
    • One of your pages: link to one of your HubSpot pages, blog posts, or knowledge articles. Click the Page dropdown menu and enter the page name in the search bar, then select the page. If the URL of this page is later changed, this link will not update dynamically; however, the automatically created redirect should ensure the link still sends visitors to the correct page. 
    • Meeting: link to one of your meeting links. Click the Meeting dropdown menu and enter the meeting name in the search bar, then select a meeting.
    • File: link to a file in your file manager. Click Select a file. In the right panel, click the name of a file. To use a new file, click the Add file dropdown menu and select Upload files. When you've uploaded your new file, click its name
    • Email address: link to the visitor's default email program on their device. In the Email address field, enter the email address you want the email to be addressed to. Learn more about setting up mailto links
  • To have the link open in a new browser window or tab, select the Open link in a new window checkbox.
  • To set link attributes that give search engines more information about how the link relates to your content, click Advanced. In the Link type section, select one or more attributes: 
    • Regular: a direct link to content without any sponsorship.
    • No follow: this link isn't associated with your website.
    • Sponsored: this link is a sponsored link or an ad.
    • User generated content: this link leads to user-generated content, such as a blog comment or a forum discussion. 
  • Click Apply to finish inserting your link. 

Edit or remove a link

To edit or remove an existing link in your rich text module:

  • Navigate to your content:

    • Website Pages: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Website Pages.
    • Landing Pages: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Landing Pages.
    • Blog: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog.
    • Email: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Marketing Email.
  • Click the name of your content. 
  • In the content editor, click the rich text module with the link.
  • Click the linked text or image
  • To remove the link, click the unlink unlink icon.
  • To edit your link's URL or options, click thet edit edit icon.
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