Custom Formula Functions
Last updated: November 5, 2024
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If you're using a custom formula to format your data in a workflow, you can use functions with property values from the enrolled record or outputs from previous actions to create complex formulas.
Review the different functions below to determine which to use:
Function | Description | Example |
abs | Retrieve the absolute value of a number. You can use this function to make sure that a number is positive. |
add | Adds a numeric value to another numeric value. This function is the same as the + operator. Use with the following:
Alternatively, you can also use:
concat | Combine multiple string values. This function is only available when the Format data action is used in Custom mode. |
capitalize | Capitalize the first letter of a string value. The first character will be uppercase, while all others letters will be lowercased. Other words in the input won't have their first letter uppercased |
cut | Cut a character or multiple characters to removes a string from a value. This function can be used to match and cut out a specific part of a string. The parameter specifies the part of the string that should be removed. Use with the following:
datetimeformat | Please note: this formula has been deprecated and replaced by the |
format_datetime | Convert a timestamp into a human-friendly format. Include the timestamp or property along with the following parameters to configure its format:
divide | Divide a number. This function is an alternative to the / operator. Use with the following:
Alternatively, you can also use:
divisible | Test if a number is evenly divisible. When there is no remainder, this function will evaluate to true. When there is a remainder, this function will evaluate to false. Use with the following:
join | Combine two or more strings into one result string, using a separator between each value. This function is only available when the Format data action is used in Custom mode. Use with the following:
left | Returns a substring of characters from a string value from a beginning of a string value. This function is only available when the Format data action is used in Custom mode. |
length | Returns the number of characters in a string. |
lower | Convert all characters in a string to all lowercase letters. |
mid | Returns a substring of characters from a string value. This function is only available when the Format data action is used in Custom mode. |
minus_time | Subtracts an amount of time from a date/time object. Use with the following:
multiplier | Multiplies a value by a number. This function is an alternative to the * operator. Use with the following:
Alternatively, you can also use:
number | Converts a string to a number. |
plus_time | Add an amount of time to a date/time object. Use with the following:
randomNumber | Generate a random number within a range. With this function, the numbers generated are completely random and may repeat. For example, if you used a range of one to three and enrolled three contacts, you may not get three unique numbers. Both minimum and maximum numbers are included in the range. You can also use 0 and negative numbers when setting your range. |
replace | Replace all instances of a substring with a different string. Use with the following:
right | Returns a substring of characters from a string value from the end of a string value. This function is only available when the Format data action is used in Custom mode. |
regex_replace | Search for a regex pattern and replaces it with the provided string. Use with the following parameters:
root | Calculate the square root of a number. Optionally, specify the Nth root to calculate. Use with the following:
round | Round a number to a specified decimal. Use with the following:
striptags | Strip SGML/XML tags and replace adjacent whitespace by one space. This filter can be used to remove any HTML tags from a variable. |
title | Change text to title casing. Each word in the resulting string will start with uppercase letters, while all remaining characters are lowercase. |
trim | Remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string. |
unixtimestamp | Convert a date/time object into a Unix timestamp. |
upper | Change all characters to uppercase. |
urlencode | Escape and URL encode a string using UTF-8 formatting. |
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