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Use Podcasts

Last updated: July 12, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Content Hub   Professional , Enterprise

Create a podcast to engage visitors using audio content. When creating a podcast episode in HubSpot, you can either upload your own pre-recorded audio files or use AI-generated audio. The number of podcasts and podcast episodes you can create depends on your account's subscription: 

  • If you have a Content Hub Professional subscription, you can create up to 5 podcast shows. Each account can have a maximum of 1,000 episodes. 
  • If you have a Content Hub Enterprise subscription, you can create up to 50 podcast shows. Each account can have a maximum of 1,000 episodes. 

Necessary disclosure: Please avoid sharing any sensitive information in your prompts and only use content that you have a right or license to. Please review the AI-generated content for biases and inaccuracies. To provide and improve the product, HubSpot logs and stores your prompts, generated outputs, and usage metrics when you use our AI tools. HubSpot shares your prompts with AI Service Providers in order to enable your use of this tool, and AI Service Providers access your prompts and generated output for content moderation purposes. Your prompts will be attributed to you. By using this tool, you agree to comply with our AI Service Providers’ policies.

Podcast permissions

To use the podcasts tool, the user account will need super admin or podcast permissions:
  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Users & Teams.
  • In the user table, click a user record, then click the Access tab.
  • Under Permissions, click Edit permissions
  • In the left sidebar menu, use the search bar to search for Podcasts permissions. Then, click to toggle the podcast permissions on or off. 

Create a new podcast

To create a new podcast:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content Podcasts.
  • If this is your first time creating a podcast, click Set up a podcast show. Or, click the Podcast show dropdown menu and select + Add a podcast show
  • In the right panel, set up your podcast show details: 
    • Podcast show title: enter a unique name for your podcast. If you share your podcast, this name will appear on external audio platforms.
    • Podcast show description: enter a description for your podcast.
    • Podcast host: select a default podcast host for your podcast. To add a new host, click the dropdown menu and select Create a new host.
      • Name: enter the name of the podcast host. 
      • Bio: enter a biography for the podcast host. 
      • Image: add an image for the podcast host. The image must be in a square aspect ratio.
    • Podcast owner's email: enter an email address for the podcast owner. Email is required for verification by platforms such as Spotify and will be visible on the RSS feed. 
    • Podcast show artwork: upload an image for your podcast thumbnail. You can also use AI to generate an image based on a prompt. It is recommended to use a square image, your podcast show artwork should be a maximum of 2MB. 
    • Podcast show categories: select up to two unique categories for your podcast. 
    • Explicit content warning: turn this option on to add a flag if episodes in your podcast contain explicit content such as profanity or subjects unsuitable for children. 
  • At the bottom, click Create show.


Create a new podcast episode

After creating your podcast, add podcast episodes to your show. To create a new episode for your podcast:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Podcasts.
  • In the top left, click the Podcast show dropdown menu and select a podcast.
  • In the top right, click Create episode
  • To create an episode from an existing audio file:
    • In the Select an audio source for your podcast episode section, select Upload existing audio
    •  In the Audio source section, you can upload a new audio file or browse and select from your existing audio files. 
      • To upload a new audio file, click Upload. Then, select a file from the file picker. 
      • To use an existing audio file, click Browse. In the right panel, select an existing audio file and click Insert


  • To create an episode from an AI-generated audio:
    • In the Select an audio source for your podcast episode section, select Generate audio from text. You can combine multiple voice and audio clip sections to create your podcast audio.
    • To create your first voice section: 
      • In the top left, click the edit pencil icon. Then, enter a name for your section. 
      • Click the Voice dropdown menu and select an AI-generated voice. You can select from six different voices. To preview the voice, click the play icon next to the voice. 
      • Enter your podcast content in the text box below. 
      • To preview your content, click Preview generated audio
    • To add an audio clip:
      • Click + Add audio clip. Then, upload a new audio clip or select an existing audio clip from the file picker. You can only use audio clips in mp3 format. 
      • To replace your audio clip with another audio file, click Replace
      • To delete your audio clip section, click the deletedelete icon
    • To add another voice section: 
      • Click + Add voice section and continue setting up your section name, voice, and podcast content. 
      • To preview your content, click Preview generated audio
      • To delete your voice section, click the deletedelete icon
    • After setting up your podcast content and audio, click Generate audio to preview your content.  


  • After adding an audio file or AI-generated audio, at the top, click the Episode details tab.
  •  In the Episode details tab, set up your podcast episode details:
    • Title: enter a name for your podcast episode.
    • Show Notes: enter a description for your episode. 
    • Artwork: add an image for your episode artwork. You can also use AI to generate a description based on a prompt. This is optional. If you choose not to add episode-specific artwork, your default podcast show artwork will be displayed instead. 
    • Explicit content warning: turn this option on to add a flag if episodes in your podcast contain explicit content such as profanity or subjects not suitable for children. 
    • Transcript: enter a transcript for your episode. 
  • After setting up your podcast episode details, in the top right, click Publish



Share your podcast on external platforms

After publishing your first podcast episode, you can either share your podcast on your HubSpot pages with a podcast module. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the RSS feed to share your podcast on platforms such as Apple podcasts. Learn how to submit a show to Apple podcasts

Share your podcasts on HubSpot pages

Share your podcasts on your HubSpot pages using the podcast module. To add a podcast module to your HubSpot page: 

  • Navigate to your content:

    • Website Pages: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Website Pages.
    • Landing Pages: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Landing Pages.
    • Blog: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Blog.
  • Click the name of your page.
  • In the left sidebar of the content editor, click the add Add icon
  • At the top, use the search bar to search for the Podcast episode module. 
  • In the Other modules section, click and drag the Podcast episode module to the desired position on the page. 


  • In the left panel, click the Podcast episode dropdown menu, Then, select an existing episode or click Create new episode
  • To take your changes live, click Publish or Update in the top right. Learn more about adding modules to your HubSpot pages.


Review and manage your podcasts 

To review and manage your podcasts:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Podcasts.
  • In the top left, click the Podcast show dropdown menu and select a podcast
  • To create a new podcast show, click the Podcast show dropdown menu and select Add a podcast show
  • To retrieve a podcast's RSS feed to share your show, click the Copy icon
  • To edit a podcast's details, in the top right, click Show settings


  • In the podcast episodes table: 
    • To edit the podcast episode, click the Name of the episode.
    • To delete the podcast episode, hover over the episode and click Delete. Then, click Delete


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