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Manage objects in the object library

Last updated: January 21, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

To understand and manage the objects used in your account, in the object library, you can review your account's objects and activate objects to adjust your data model.

To view a model of your account's objects, learn more about the data model overview. For more information about objects, records, and other CRM components, learn more about managing your CRM database.

Included objects

The object library displays standard CRM objects included by default in all accounts, as well as objects that are available in all accounts, but that you can choose to enable or disable.

  • Default objects: contacts, companies, deals, and tickets. These objects are included by default in all HubSpot accounts, and cannot be deactivated.
  • Activatable objects: the following objects can be turned on or off depending on your data needs. These objects are on the same framework as standard objects, which means if activated, they have index pages and records that look and work the same.
    • Appointments: encounters or services scheduled for an individual.
    • Courses: structured programs or series of lessons, trainings, or educational modules.
    • Listings: properties or units to be bought, sold, or rented.
    • Services: intangible offerings offered to customers. Examples include onboarding and consulting, repairs and maintenance, and personal care.

For example, if you activate the Appointments objects, you can navigate to the Appointments index page to view and filter appointment records.

View, activate, or deactivate objects

To view and manage the objects in your account:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, under Data Management, navigate to Object Library.

An object is activated if the checkbox is selected and the card is highlighted. This means the object is shown in your data model overview and you can create records, properties, and associations for the object. You can also use the object in the HubSpot tools listed in the Activated objects are used in all tools listed box to the right.

  • To activate an object, select the checkbox. In the text box, review the tools in which the object will be available, then click Confirm to activate. The object will be turned on, so you can now create and manage records for that object. If you'd like to also set up suggested properties, associations, and pipelines, you can apply a template with the object (Professional and Enterprise only).
  • To deactivate an object, clear the checkbox. In the dialog box, review the tools in which the object will be hidden, then click Confirm to deactivate. The object, its records, associations, properties, and pipelines will be hidden but can be reactivated and restored.

Please note: you cannot deactivate contacts, companies, deals, or tickets.

Learn more about your account's object relationships in the data model overview.

Use activated objects

Once you've activated objects, refer to the following articles to learn how to manage the objects and their records, properties, and associations:

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