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Set default notice and consent language for data privacy-enabled forms, pop-up forms, documents, and meetings

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

When you use the data privacy and consent field group in forms or pop-up forms, the Turn on data privacy toggle in documents, or the Data privacy and consent option in scheduling pages, visitors to your form, pop-up form, document, or scheduling page will be asked for their consent to receiving communication from you and their consent to the processing and storing of their data.

Please note: while these features live in HubSpot, your legal team is the best resource to give you compliance advice for your specific situation.

Set the default language for these options in your settings:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Privacy & Consent.
  • Click the Consent options tab. On this page, you can see a preview of the privacy and consent text visitors to your data privacy-enabled forms and scheduling pages will see.
  • You can customize each of the sections content and language. Use the Choose language to set defaults dropdown menu to select a language. Then edit the sections below for each language:
    • Legitimate interest: let your visitors know that they can unsubscribe from your communications at any point if they're no longer interested in hearing from you, and link to information about unsubscribing and your privacy practices if applicable. Click Edit content to make changes. In the dialog box that appears, edit the text that appears in the text box, then click Save.
    • Privacy policy: give your visitors information about your privacy policies and practices, and offer a link to more information if applicable. Click Edit content to make changes. In the dialog box that appears, edit the text that appears in the text box, then click Save.
    • Consent to communicate: give your visitors information about how and why you'd like to contact them, and let them know that you're offering them the option to consent to that communication. Click Edit content to make changes. In the dialog box that appears, edit the text that appears in the text box, then click Save.
    • Subscription type: click Edit subscription type and checkbox consent to customize the language that accompanies each subscription type. In the dialog box that appears, use the dropdown menu to select a subscription type, then use the text box below to customize the language that will appear next to the subscription checkbox. Click Save.
    • Consent to process data: depending on the settings chosen on your individual forms or scheduling pages, visitors will see the explicit or implicit consent to process data language. You can customize the default language for either option by toggling between the Explicit and Implicit tabs and clicking Edit above the content you'd like to customize. For the explicit consent option, let visitors know that they need to check the box to consent to the storing and processing of their personal data. For the implicit consent option, let visitors know that by submitting their information, they are consenting to the storing and processing of their personal data.

Please note:

  • Changes made here will apply to all new data privacy-enabled forms, pop-up forms, and scheduling pages created moving forward, unless you have customized the notice and consent language on the form, pop-up form, or scheduling pages itself. Any customization made to individual forms, pop-up forms, and scheduling pages will override these default settings.
  • If you change the default text, existing forms and pop-up forms will not be automatically updated. To update an existing form, delete the current data privacy options field from the form and re-add it to include the updated wording.

Learn how you can send consent information to HubSpot using the HubSpot Forms API.

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