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Customize index page columns

Last updated: November 20, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

Each object index page has views that show groups of records based on specific criteria. For each view, you can customize which properties are shown as columns in the table. You can also select a property to sort the records by and the order of the sort.

If you're viewing deals, tickets, or custom object records in board view, learn how to customize the board view.

Add, move, or remove a column (BETA)

If your account has access to the Index table right-click actions beta, can quickly edit add, remove, or change the position of individual columns.

  • Navigate to a view. If you're viewing deals, tickets, or custom object records, click the listView list icon.
  • To add a column, right click on an existing column, then click Add. Select the property you want to appear as a column. You can click the All dropdown menu to filter the available properties by category.
  • To change the order of columns, click and drag a column to the desired position.
  • To remove a column, right click on the column, then click Remove.

  • To sort by a property, click the column header. Click the column header again to change the sort order (i.e. ascending to descending).
  • To maintain the same column settings for the view moving forward, click the saveEditableView Save icon to save the view. For existing views, only the user who originally created the view will be able to save changes.

To change columns in bulk, you can use the column editor.

Add, reorder, or remove multiple columns

In the column editor, you can customize multiple property columns in a view at once. You can also select columns that will freeze when scrolling the properties table.

  • Navigate to a view. If you're viewing deals, tickets, or custom object records, click the listView list icon.
  • Click Edit columns in the top right of the table.

  • To add a property as a column, select the property's checkbox.
  • To reorder the columns, use the dragHandle drag handle to drag and drop properties.

  • To make the property the second column in the view, hover a property, then click Move to top. By default, the record's name will be the first column and cannot be removed.
  • To remove a column, click x next to a property. To remove all columns and start over, click Remove All Columns.

  •  To freeze the left most columns in the view, click Frozen columns. When frozen, columns will remain visible as you scroll to the right in the table.
    • Select the number of columns you want to freeze, up to three properties. The number you select will always include the primary display property, so selecting 1 will freeze only the default first column (e.g., First name for contacts).
    • To add a property to the frozen columns, drag the property above the Above column(s) are frozen line.

  • Once you're done, click Apply.

  • To sort by a property, click the column header. Click the column header again to change the sort order (i.e. ascending to descending).
  • To maintain the same column settings for the view moving forward, click the saveEditableView Save icon to save the view. For existing views, only the user who originally created the view will be able to save changes.

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