View your page hierarchy in site trees
Last updated: June 28, 2023
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
Content Hub Professional , Enterprise |
The site tree tool automatically organizes your website and landing pages into folders based on their URLs. You can filter these pages by publish date, update date, test status, and more. You can also create or edit pages directly from a site tree.
Please note: blog posts, dynamic pages built with HubDB, and pages with URLs will not appear in site trees.
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Website Pages.
- Click the siteTree Site tree icon at the top of the page.
- To filter your pages by Business unit, Domain, Publish status, and Variation, click the dropdown menus at the top of the page:
- Business unit: if you have the Business units add-on, you can filter by the business unit assigned to your content.
- Domain: filter by the domain your pages are hosted on. Pages can only be displayed for one domain at a time.
- Publish status: filter by the publish status of your pages. You can select Draft, Scheduled, Published, or Archived.
- Variation: filter for pages with testing or language variations. You can select A/B tests, Adaptive tests, or Language variation. If you have the Business units add-on, this option will appear under More filters.
- To add or delete additional custom filters, click More filters.
- To add a filter, in the right panel, click AND and select a new filter type. Set the filter criteria, then click Apply filter. Your applied filters will be saved automatically.
- To delete an existing additional filter, hover over the filter and click the delete delete icon. The Domain, Content Type, and Language filters cannot be deleted.
- The filters you have applied will appear in the Viewing filters banner at the top of the page. Click Reset filters to restore the default filters to their original values and remove custom filters.
Landing Pages
Website Pages
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