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Manage enumeration property options

Last updated: January 29, 2024

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You can edit enumeration properties, such as dropdown select and multiple checkboxes, to add or remove options, copy options from other enumeration properties, and merge property options. 

Add or remove property options manually

To manually add a property option to a property:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Properties.
  • Hover over the property you want to edit, then click Edit.
  • In the right panel, on the Field type tab, click + Add an option.

  • Enter the label for your new property option. By default, the internal value will be the same as the label.
  • To change the internal value of a new option, enter a new value into the internal value field. Once this is set, you won't be able to change this.

  • To prevent the option from being used in forms, click to toggle the In forms switch off. If you want the option to appear in your forms, leave it toggled on.
  • To save your changes, click Save at the bottom of the right panel. Once saved, your internal values will be set and cannot be updated.
  • To remove property options, select the checkboxes next to the properties, then click delete Delete.

Please note: default properties, and their options, generally cannot be edited or deleted.

Copy options from one property to another

To copy options from one property to another:

  •  In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Properties.
  • Hover over the property you want to edit, then click Edit.
  • On the Field type tab, click Load options....
  • In the pop-up, click Copy from property.
  • In the Object type dropdown menu, select the object type of the property that you want to copy from. For example, if you're copying from a company property, select Company.
  • In the Property to copy options from dropdown menu, select the property that you want to copy from.
  • Click Load options. All of the property options from the source property will then be copied into the target property.
  • To save your changes, click Save at the bottom of the right panel.

After copying, the property will keep all its previous values, but will now contain all values from the copied property. You can merge property options to combine similar options.

Merge property options

Merging property options combines several options into one option. This updates any objects that had the previous option to the new option. For example, if you merged the option New into the option Brand new, all contacts that had the New option will now have Brand new. Before merging property options, keep the following in mind:

  • Merging eliminates property options, which may impact integrations that rely on internal values.
  • Merging will not update any lists, workflows, or filters that are using the value that was merged. You will need to manually update those lists, workflows, or filters manually to use the new value.

To merge property options:

  • In the property editor, select the checkboxes next to the property options you want to merge. Then, click merge Merge.

  • In the dialog box, click the Select the option to be merged into dropdown menu to select the property value you want to keep. All the other selected options will be merged into the selected value.
  • If any records currently have one of the selected options, you'll need to confirm your merge by entering the number of affected objects.
  • To merge the property options, click Merge & Save property.

Learn more about how to manage your properties.

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