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Rate and review an app in the HubSpot App Marketplace

Last updated: June 28, 2023

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Leave a rating and review of the apps you use in the HubSpot App Marketplace. Ratings and reviews can help you and other users to determine if an app is a good fit or not.

Rate and review an app

  • In your HubSpot account, click the Marketplace icon marketplace in the top navigation bar, then select App Marketplace.
  • Search for and select the app you want to review.

Please note: you must have the app installed in your account to leave a review

  • Navigate to the Reviews tab and click Write a review
  • On the Rate screen, enter your Overall rating and Quality rating, then click Next.


  • On the Share screen, enter text for the Review title, What you are using [app] for?, Overall review, Pros and, Cons.
  • Click Next.


  • In the About screen, enter your details. This information will be displayed with your review.
    • Avatar: select the avatar to display.
    • Name: your name will be auto populated and cannot be edited.
    • Industry: select the industry for your company from the dropdown menu.
    • Number of employees: select the number of employees in your company from the dropdown menu. 
    • Select the checkbox to agree that your review follows the HubSpot review guidelines.


  • Click Submit review.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can review apps in the App Marketplace?

To submit a review you must:

  • Be logged into HubSpot.
  • Have the app installed in your account (or have uninstalled it less than 14 days ago).
  • Have not reviewed the app in another account.
  • Be one of the first 3 users in the account to submit a review.

Why can’t I leave a review?

If you’re blocked from leaving a review, you might not have the app you’re trying to review installed or it was uninstalled more than 14 days ago. There might have already been 3 people from your account review the integration. You might have reviewed the app in another account previously. 

Why are only three users from the same account allowed to review each app?

We want reviews to be as helpful and relevant as possible. It’s important to get reviews from different perspectives and roles at a company, but there are also diminishing returns if there are too many reviews from one company. 

How can I update my review?

We don't allow users to update their review.

There’s a typo in my review. How can I fix it?

We don’t allow users to edit their review. 

Why did my review get archived?

We remove reviews that violate our review guidelines. If your review was archived, you should have received an email explaining this. You can leave a new review following these guidelines. 

What happens when I report a review?

When a review or a reply is reported, our internal team is alerted and then we decide to either leave the review or take the review down. We address reports in the order that they were received.

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