Create and publish social posts in the HubSpot mobile app
Last updated: February 7, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
While on the go, you can create a social post and publish it from the HubSpot mobile app. If you're using a computer or laptop, learn how to create and publish social posts on desktop.
From the HubSpot mobile app, you can also manage and review your social posts.
Create and publish social posts
When publishing a social post from HubSpot, the social network will display the name of the user who connected the social account to HubSpot as the post creator. This is because HubSpot publishes the post to the social network using their credentials.
To create a new social post in the HubSpot mobile app:
- Open the HubSpot app on your device.
- In the bottom right, tap + Create. Then, tap Social post.
- Select the checkboxes next to the names of the social network account that you want to publish to. Then, tap Done. You can publish social posts to Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, or YouTube. Each social network has its own character limit:
- Facebook: 2,500 characters
- Instagram: 2,200 characters
- LinkedIn: 3,000 characters
- X: 280 characters
- YouTube: 5000 characters
- Set up the draft content for your post across the different social networks:
- In the text box, enter the content for your social post. It's recommended to add @mentions as the last step when setting up your social posts in the specific social network tabs.
- To add a link to your post, enter the content link directly into the text box. A preview of the content link should display:
- To display only the preview image, tap the link preview. Then, tap Use preview image only.
- To hide the preview, tap the link preview. Then, tap Remove link preview.
- In the text box, enter the content for your social post. It's recommended to add @mentions as the last step when setting up your social posts in the specific social network tabs.
- To add an image or video to your post:
- In the bottom left, tap the camera icon.
- Then, select Choose photo, Choose video, or Take photo or video.
- After selecting a photo or video, in the top right, tap Add.
- After taking a new photo or video, in the bottom right, click Use Photo or Use Video.
- To add another photo or video, tap the camera icon.
- To delete a photo or video, tap the photo or video. Then, tap Remove.
- To add an image or video to your post:
- To add an image or video from your file manager to your post:
- In the bottom left, tap the attach attach icon.
- Then, select Choose image from HubSpot Files or Choose video from HubSpot Files.
- Select the checkbox next to the photos or video that you want to add.
- To add another photo or video, tap the attach attach icon.
- To delete a photo or video, tap the photo or video. Then, tap Remove.
- To add an image or video from your file manager to your post:

- If you're using an Android device, you can crop your images when setting up your social draft:
- Tap the image and click Crop the image.
- In the editor, tap and drag the outlined frame to crop to the desired size.
- In the top right, tap Crop.
- If you're using an Android device, you can crop your images when setting up your social draft:
- By default, the post will be set to publish immediately. To schedule your post:
- In the bottom left, tap Publish time.
- At the top, tap Custom date.
- Select a specific date and time. By default, this will be set to your account time zone.
- To associate the post with a campaign:
- In the bottom right, tap Select campaign.
- Tap the name of the campaign.
- By default, the post will be set to publish immediately. To schedule your post:
- In the top right, click Next. After setting up your draft, it is recommended to review the post on each social network, as each social network may have different character and image requirements.
- To review the post and further customize the content for each social network, tap the name of the social network at the top of the screen.
- To customize the post content for each social network, in the text box:
- To add hashtags, use the # symbol. After adding your hashtag, tap the hashtag to preview it on the social network.
- To @mention other accounts, tap the @ symbol to mention or tag other accounts.
- After adding your mention, you can tap the @mention to preview the account on the social network. For the specific social networks, please also note the following:
- Facebook: Facebook's API only allows mentions or tags for Facebook pages. You cannot mention or tag individual Facebook users or Facebook events when creating a social post in HubSpot.
- Instagram: mentions will not be auto-completed, but Instagram will acknowledge the mention when the post is live.
- LinkedIn: you can mention both LinkedIn company pages and personal profiles that follow your LinkedIn page. If a LinkedIn user has turned off public profile visibility, their profile will not appear and cannot be mentioned.
- X: only X accounts you follow will appear in the auto-complete dropdown menu. To mention accounts you don't follow, enter the full X handle. The mention will be acknowledged when the post is live.
- To save the post as a draft, at the bottom, tap Save as draft.
- To schedule or publish the post:
- At the bottom, tap Next.
- After reviewing your social posts, click Publish now, Schedule post, or Save as draft.

Customize additional Instagram post details
If you're posting specifically to Instagram, you can customize additional details such as post type, first comment, and location:- By default, a regular Instagram post will be selected. You can also create Instagram reels or stories:
- To create an Instagram reel, tap the Post type dropdown and select Reel. To configure whether or not the reel displays in your account's main feed, tap to set the Also share to feed toggle.
- To create an Instagram story, tap the Post type dropdown and select Story.
- To add a location to your Instagram post or reel:
- At the bottom of the text box, tap the location icon.
- In the Search locations text box, enter the name of the location you want to add. Then, scroll to search the various locations available.
- Tap the desired location.
- When customizing your Instagram post, if the image does not meet Instagram's aspect ratio requirements, an alert will display: Image has incorrect aspect ratio. To resolve this:
- In the alert, tap Fix issue.
- In the editor, the ratio will automatically be set to instagram's default ratio. Crop your image accordingly.
- After cropping your image, in the top right, tap Done.
- To engage with your followers and add the first comment on your reel, enter your Instagram first comment. You can also use hashtags (#) in your first comment.
- To save the post as a draft, tap Save as draft.
- To schedule or publish the post:
- At the bottom, tap Next.
- After reviewing your social posts, click Publish now, Schedule post, or Save as draft.
Publish LinkedIn document posts
If you're posting specifically to LinkedIn, you can also create and publish a LinkedIn document post and add a scrollable PDF document to your post.
- To create a LinkedIn document post, tap the Post type dropdown and select Document.
- In the Add document section, you can add PDF documents from your mobile device or from the HubSpot files tool:
- To add documents from your mobile device, tap From device. Then, select your file.
- To add documents from your mobile device, tap HubSpot Files. Then, select your file. When adding a PDF document from the files tool, only files with public visibility can be used.

Publish YouTube videos
To publish a YouTube video from the HubSpot mobile app:
- Open the HubSpot app on your device.
- In the bottom right, tap + Create. Then, tap Social post.
- Select the checkboxes next YouTube account that you'd like to post to. Then, tap Done.
- Set up the following:
- Video Title: the title for your YouTube video. This field is required.
- You can use a maximum of 100 characters.
- The title cannot include invalid characters such as '<'.
- What would you like to say to your network: upload a video and add a description for your post. This is required.
- When entering a description, you can include keywords to help users find your video when searching on YouTube. There is a 5000 character limit.
- To upload a video to your YouTube account, tap the camera icon. Then, tap Choose video or Take video.
- When selecting an existing video from the files tool, the video must have visibility set Public or Public - noindex. If the video's visibility has been set to Private, you will not be able to select the video.
- The video must meet YouTube's video and audio formatting specifications.
- To publish a YouTube short, the video must be is less than 60 seconds. Regular videos should be less than 15 minutes.
- After uploading your video, to manage your thumbnail image, tap the uploaded video.
- To preview your thumbnail image, tap Preview.
- To change your thumbnail image, select Set thumbnail from video frame or Set thumbnail from HubSpot files.
- To remove the video, tap the uploaded video. Then, select Remove.
- Video Title: the title for your YouTube video. This field is required.

- Publish Time: choose to publish your video immediately or schedule to publish your video at a specific date and time.
- Campaign: choose to associate your video with a new or an existing campaign.
- Audience: select Yes, it's made for kids or No, it's not made for kids to determine whether or not your video is suitable for children.
- Audience: select Yes, it's made for kids or No, it's not made for kids to determine whether or not your video is suitable for children.
- Playlist: select an existing YouTube playlist to add this video to. Learn more about creating and managing YouTube playlists.
- Language: select the primary language for your YouTube video.
- Category: select a category to help users find your video more easily. For example, categorize an instructional video as Educational.
- Visibility: set a visibility option for your YouTube video. You can set a video as Private, Unlisted, or Public. Learn more about YouTube's visibility options.
- Add tag...: add tags to your YouTube video to allow users to find your video more easily. Each tag should be separated by a comma. Learn more about YouTube tags
- License: select the license type for your video. By default, Standard YouTube License will be selected.
- Allow embedding: allow other users to embed your YouTube videos in their websites.
- Publish to subscriptions feed and notify subscribers: notify your YouTube subscribers when you've published this video.
- After setting up your YouTube video, at the bottom, tap Next or Save as draft.
- After reviewing your YouTube video details, tap Publish now, Schedule post, or Save as draft.