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Specify lifecycle stages when syncing leads and contacts using HubSpot data sync

Last updated: June 28, 2023

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

You can specify which leads and contacts should sync from HubSpot to your third-party app based on their lifecycle stage. This allows for more flexibility when syncing leads and contacts between HubSpot and your third-party app. 

Please note: this is only available for apps that have both contact and lead syncing available. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting & Data > Integrations.
  • Click the name of the app. 
  • Click Actions on either your contacts sync or leads sync. 
  • Click Edit sync settings
    • If syncing leads, in the Decide which HubSpot contacts will sync to [third-party app] as leads section, click the HubSpot dropdown menu to select which lifecycle stages contacts need to be in to sync to the third-party app as leads.
    • If syncing contacts, in the Decide which HubSpot contacts will sync to [third-party app] as contacts section, click the HubSpot dropdown menu to select which lifecycle stage contacts need to be in to sync to the the third-party app as contacts.

Please note: if you're setting up both a contact and lead sync for the same app, any lifecycle stages selected for one sync will not be available for the other. 

Learn more about connecting and using data sync.
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