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Review sales rep insights on the HubSpot mobile app

Last updated: January 29, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Sales Hub   Professional , Enterprise

If you have an assigned Sales Hub seat and use the HubSpot mobile app Sales Experience or Sales & Marketing homepage, you can get a quick look at your key metrics and leads pipeline. You can also view full sales insights with your individual data.

View rep insights 

  • Open the HubSpot app on your mobile device.
  • If your home page is set to the Sales or Sales & Marketing experience, scroll down to the Sales insights section.
  • On the Lead pipeline card, review your lead pipeline activity, which is a summary of your leads by stage today compared to yesterday. Swipe left on the Lead pipeline card to view other pipeline activities.

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  • Continue to swipe left on the Lead pipeline cards to view the Your activities card. On this card, review a comparison of call and email activities performed this week to the previous week.

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  • Tap View all to view the full sales insights page, which includes:
    • Revenue attainment: for each deal pipeline, a summary of the current month’s closed won deal amount and attainment. Swipe left to view a summary for each pipeline.
    • Your report: a summary of the current month’s number of meetings delivered and deals created across pipelines compared to the previous month.
    • Your activities: a summary of the current week’s call and email activity compared to last week.
    • Lead pipeline: a summary of your current leads by stage compared to yesterday.

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