File upload error: 'There was an error uploading your file'
Last updated: February 17, 2025
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This message displays when your file upload has failed. Before uploading a file, review the file tool's supported file types and sizes. If your file meets these requirements, but your uploads are still encountering the error, review the possible reasons below.
- Upload size and ISP upload speed: the size of the file can impact the time it takes to complete the process, especially if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) offers limited upload speeds. Larger files and slower ISP upload speeds will take longer to upload and can result in this error. To resolve this, try reducing your file size, or uploading the file on a different network.
- Uploading on a mobile network: if you upload your files using a mobile network, your internet performance can be variable. Mobile networks can experience changes in speed and reliability, and certain mobile plans may slow down upload speeds after you use a certain amount of data. It is recommended to try uploading the file while connected to wifi or wired network.
- Using a VPN: if you're using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), your data is likely being encrypted and sent through a server in another location. The additional steps in sending the data can reduce the upload speed and cause your upload to time out, resulting in this error. To resolve this, try turning off your VPN and uploading your file again.
- Using a company firewall: company networks often use firewalls to stop unauthorized data transfers and keep the network safe. These firewalls may block specific file types or limit the size of files you can upload. If your upload fails, check with your IT department to see if the file type and size are allowed by your company's firewall.
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