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Supported file types and sizes

Last updated: June 10, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

When uploading files to HubSpot, there are specific file types and size restrictions for each tool.

Please note: HubSpot does not support the management of sensitive information. For more information, please see our Terms of Service.

Files tool

You can upload most file types to the files tool. When uploading your files, do note the following: 

  • The file size limits for the files tool are:
    • Files up to 20 MB for accounts with only access to HubSpot’s free tools.
    • Files up to 2 GB for accounts with paid subscriptions. If a file is 1 GB or more, you may experience issues when uploading the file.
  • If you upload a video file to HubSpot, it will be transcoded to stream at 2.5 MB per second by default. For faster video streaming, ensure you are using HubSpot Video, powered by Vidyard.
  • If a HTML or JavaScript file is uploaded to the File Manager, then loaded using a default HubSpot domain, it will use Content Type: text/plain. As a result, web browsers will not render the code and if a user goes directly to the file, it will display the HTML code in plain text. To avoid this, you can set these files to use one of your connected domains instead of a HubSpot default domain.
  • When uploading images to the files tool, the following file types are supported:
    • jpg
    • jpeg
    • png
    • tif
    • tiff
    • ico
    • bmp
    • webp
  • If you're using HubSpot's free tools, you cannot upload executable files. The following file types will be blocked: 
    • sh
    • bat
    • com
    • elf
    • bin
    • exe
    • jar
    • rpm
    • deb


The file size limit for documents is 250 MB.

The following file types can be uploaded as trackable documents in HubSpot:

  • pdf
  • pptx
  • csv
  • docx
  • xlsx

When uploading pdf files to the documents tool, it's recommended that the document is viewed with a supported browser on a computer, rather than a mobile device. If you are using a mobile device, you may experience issues displaying the document.

Any videos, gifs, and hyperlinks included in your file will not function when the file is uploaded to the documents tool. 

Chat widget

The file size limits for the chat widget are:

  • Files up to 25 MB can be sent to a visitor in the chat widget.
  • Files up to 10 MB can be sent by the visitor in the chat widget.

The following file types are supported when sending an attachment to a website visitor in a chat conversation:

  • video
  • audio
  • json
  • ms-excel
  • ms-powerpoint
  • msword
  • pdf
  • gif
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • png
  • tiff
  • calendar
  • css
  • csv
  • plain-text
  • vnd
  • zip

Customer Portal 

The file size limit for customer portals is 30MB

The following file types are supported when adding an attachment in a customer portal:

  • video
  • audio
  • json
  • ms-excel
  • ms-powerpoint
  • msword
  • pdf
  • gif
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • png
  • tiff
  • calendar
  • css
  • csv
  • plain-text
  • vnd
  • zip

One-to-one email attachments

The file size limit for both sales emails and emails sent from the conversations inbox is 20MB.

The following file types are supported when adding an attachment directly to a one-to-one email from a record in your HubSpot CRM or your conversations inbox:

  • video
  • audio
  • json
  • ms-excel
  • ms-powerpoint
  • msword
  • docx
  • pptx
  • xlsx
  • odg
  • otp
  • ods
  • odt
  • ps
  • pdf
  • gif
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • png
  • tiff
  • calendar
  • css
  • csv
  • plain-text
  • vnd
  • zip

Please note: to attach other file types, you can upload the file to the files tool, then select the option to choose an existing file from the file manager. 

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