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Set up a HubSpot standard sandbox account

Last updated: January 30, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Enterprise
Sales Hub   Enterprise
Service Hub   Enterprise
Operations Hub   Enterprise
Content Hub   Enterprise

Super admins can create standard sandbox accounts to test functionalities without impacting your main HubSpot account. For example, you can connect an app to your standard sandbox account to test a new integration. Then, you can sync data from your main account to test the integration, but still and keep the data in your main account clean.

Please note: a standard sandbox account is different from an app developer account, which is used for developing HubSpot apps and integrations.

Before you get started

Before getting started with sandbox accounts, please note the following:

  • When using a sandbox account:
    • Standard sandbox accounts have access to the same tools and features as your main account based on your subscription, but users cannot make calls or do lead scoring. This includes using other tools related to these features, such as creating call-based workflows. 
    • Beta features are synced from your production account. If you want to test betas outside of your production account, you can enroll your sandbox in a beta
    • It is not recommended to use a standard sandbox account for a website redesign, as the redesigned templates and pages cannot be transferred to the main account.
  • You can send one-to-one test emails and marketing emails from a standard sandbox account to existing sandbox users.
    • If you send emails to contacts that are not sandbox users, the emails will not send because they are not users in the standard sandbox account.
    • Emails sent from a standard sandbox account will be routed over shared IP addresses that the production account uses.
  • You can add HubSpot users within your sandbox account:
    • Super admins will be added by default as users when creating a standard sandbox account. 
    • If you add users to your standard sandbox account, HubSpot will not create them as new users in your main account. For example, if you add a consultant or contract worker to a standard sandbox account, they will not have access to your main account. 
    • Similarly, seats assigned in a standard sandbox account will not impact the seats in your main account. Users with a Sales Hub Enterprise or Service Hub Enterprise seat in your main account will also not automatically be assigned that seat if they are added to the standard sandbox account.
  • When you set up a standard sandbox in a trial account, you will have access to the sandbox until the end of your trial.
    • Only Professional and Enterprise trials are synced from your production account.
    • Once the trial is over, you cannot navigate to your standard sandbox account.
    • If you upgrade within 90 days of the end of your trial, you can access your standard sandbox account again.

Create and manage standard sandbox accounts

By default, you can only create one standard sandbox account. To create a new sandbox, you'll need to delete an existing sandbox first. 

During the creation flow, you'll have the option to do a one-time sync of up to 5,000 contacts, and associated deals, tickets, and company records. If you need more than 5,000 contacts, you can manually import up to 200,000 contacts. Additional sandboxes can also be purchased as an add-on to your subscription

To create a standard sandbox account:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, in the Account management section, select Sandboxes.
  • To create a new sandbox, click Build standard sandbox.

KB - Build Sandbox

    • Select specific assets: manually select the specific assets that you'd like to sync from the supported asset types. 
  • In the bottom right, click Next.
  • If you selected Select specific assets
    • Select the checkboxes next to the asset types that you would like to sync. Then, click Next
    • In the left panel, navigate to the different selected asset types. Then, click the checkboxes next to the specific assets you would like to sync.
    • After selecting all specific assets that you'd like to sync, in the bottom right, click Next.

KB - assets sandbox 

  • Review your assets selection. When you're happy with your selection, click Build standard sandbox, in the bottom right.

Please note: your standard sandbox account will automatically be enrolled in the same betas as your production account. Any time you set up a sync, whether it's for all-supported assets or specific assets, your sandbox account will automatically be enrolled in any new betas in your production account since the last sync. You can also enroll in betas in your sandbox account and they will not be affected by syncs if your production account is not enrolled in that beta.

Update a sandbox

You can also update an existing standard sandbox, which will re-sync the current state of your main account to your sandbox, with the exception of contacts and associated records. You can continue to manually add contacts to your standard sandbox using the standard import and export tools

  • Updating your standard sandbox will overwrite any changes you've made to assets previously synced to the standard sandbox account.
  • If you create custom objects in your standard sandbox account but not your production account, the custom objects will not be overwritten when you re-sync the sandbox account. 

To update an existing standard sandbox account:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, select Sandboxes.
  • Next to the name of the existing sandbox you wish to update, select Set up sync to sandbox.

Delete a sandbox

To delete a standard sandbox account:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, select Sandboxes.
  • Hover over the name of the sandbox you wish to delete, then select Delete.

Access your standard sandbox accounts

All standard sandbox account users can access a sandbox from their main account menu. When in a sandbox account, at the top, there will be a banner indicating you are in the standard sandbox account.

KB - sandbox alert

To access your sandbox account:

  • In your HubSpot account, click your account name in the upper right.
  • Hover over your account name to see a list of your recent accounts.
  • In the dropdown menu, click the name of the sandbox you want to access.

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Access sandbox accounts from your account settings

If you are a super admin, you can also access a sandbox from account settings:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, select Sandboxes.
  • Click the name of the sandbox you want to access. 
  • To exit a sandbox account, click Return to my production account at the top of the screen.
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